Drinking Rudi's treasures in NYC

On another note, you might want to buy an old Patriarch wine from the 1970s and a Marcassin Blue Ridge 2006, which was one of the recipes Rudy used to mimic the older DRCs.

Agree to no Peaking Duck House or any chinese cuisine please.

Between now and early January, there will be plenty of lame ducks, as pairing.



Had to google, but +1

Come to NJ. Lots of excellent restaurants that are byob. [cheers.gif]

I know you’ve pulled off some great dinners, but some of us ITB might have other avenues of attack which can open up zero corkage/unlimited.

your suggestions may be better, and I hope to hear about them!

“Jason Hernandez, who was the government’s lead attorney during the Kurniawan trial”
had to look it up…

I’m thinking someone created the Jason Hernandez account to be funny.

Fake accounts are not allowed or tolerated here! FAKE NEWS!

From what we’ve discovered, it’s not fake, folks - we check each registration, this one several times/ways

Oh my…this makes the dinner even more interesting. Too bad I am not in NY.

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions and response. Preference is for a high end restaurant and happy to pay high corkage for the right attention. I may need a local sponsor beserker to help organise this - please PM to discuss.

No, it’s not fake. I prosecuted Rudy Kurniawan. Happy to prove that it’s me if someone explains to me how I can include an attachment in a post.


Oddly I looked at your join date and assumed it was you. Awesome way to enter posting in a drink Rudy’s cellar thread. Welcome aboard and thanks for the work in your day job.

Welcome aboard then! champagne.gif

Some of my suggestions:

  1. Gabriel Kreuther
  2. Daniel (60 E 65th St.)
  3. Jean-Georges

You’re going to need a serious connection to bring in a single bottle, never mind 20 bottles of wine to Daniel.

And a solid connection for the other two which both have bottle limits.

That’s true.