"A “real” housewife of New York, who was probably thin to start with, is launching a low-alcohol wine called “Skinnygirl.” It builds on the success of her low-calorie ready-to-drink margarita. "
I regard this as more of a curiosity than anything else, but do any of our winemaker friends here want to comment on the “initial run” of only 200,000 cases? Also is this stuff particularly low-cal as compared to, uh whatever regular wine is? What can you do to reduce calorie content of wine besides lower sugar and lower alcohol?
Out of curiosity I bought a bottle of the “Skinnygirl” margarita. If was the most foul, chemical-tasting beverage I have ever drank (and I have to admit I have tasted my share of foul/chemical drinks). I would give up alcohol altoghter for a couple weeks to lose weight before I would consume any of the margarita. And given my experience with the margarita would not spend a penny to try the wines.
Great marketing name - I’ll give her that (but I suspect “who was probably thin to begin with” is exactly correct).