Congrats to Vinfolio and CellarTracker...

Congrats to Eric and Vinfolio or teaming up in what looks like a great opportunity for ALL winos!" onclick=";return false;

NOTE: The DIpsh*ts at eBob are at it again deleting everything that refers to CellarTracker! What a bunch of Candy Asses… Jeezez

Yea what great idea…must explain why we can’t ever get Eric to an offline around here." onclick=";return false;

Thread closed, not surprising as the “soon to be released” My Wine software is in competition.

I had two posts deleted

  1. a congratulations
  2. a post about mywines release date being pushed back to 2018. only website where competition amongst peers is frowned upon. Dictators rule!

Sorry, should this be in the bashing thread?

Congrats Steve and Eric, a job well done!

I had two posts deleted as well. Business must be bad over there.

Hey Squires - [1928_middle_finger.gif]

Congrats to Eric.

Visual cellar or not, this announcement (and the delay of MyWines coupled with Squires’ behavior this moning [1928_middle_finger.gif] ) may push me to finally leave RPWACM and move to CT.

Hi David,
Welcome to this board - hope you stick around!
(That was pretty much the last straw for me and eBob.)

Thanks, Ed.

I joined a few months ago but never really got around to reading much.

Like you, that was pretty much the last straw for me over there as well. No interested parties that I could discern were posting. Pretty disingenuous for MS to use that as an excuse. Pathetic, actually.

That’s sweet, I can definitely see using that in the future.

Look, there’s another thread on dickheads board." onclick=";return false;

Wow, that lasted all of one minute… [rofl.gif] …everyone here should post it over there. It will drive him crazy.

That’s pretty funny!

Usually threads just get closed because of Posner’s ego…’s+ego" onclick=";return false;

Since the thread was deleted can you let us know what it was about?

Also, I read through the thread on Vinfolio - since I don’t know all/any of the players, who was doing the self-advertising that Squires cited in justifying locking the thread? Is one of those posters involved in Vinfolio somehow?

Nobody I know.

It’s a BS excuse - chickensh*t if you ask me!

Congrats. Great connections involved in both projects. Excellent excellent excellent excellent. Wow.

And I’d like to add – the forward thinking by Steve at Vinfolio and Eric at Cellartracker are shining contrasts to the backward and stupid thinking at eBob. I appreciate Steve’s remarks that Vinfolio will still compete wiht Cellartracker. Competition is good for everyone. It increases exposure, keeps new fresh ideas coming and consumers ultimately win. Vinfolio’s model is obviously much different than Cellartracker’s model, making joint ventures like this possible. But it is great to see this fresh thinking.

It’s too early to call eBob irrelevant because Bob still wields a huge about of influence. But ventures like this between Vinfolio and Cellartracker will turn heads and will increasingly siphon users and influence away from eBob.

Bravo! (Again)


In my frustrating over the closing of the threads, I resurrected an older thread I had started about wine laws in the United States and posted the following (we’ll see how long it stays):

I have to resurrect this thread to comment on the Vinfolio/Cellartracker joint venture.

A few threads have been opened and subsequently closed and locked discussing the Vinfolio/Cellartracker joint venture. This is a fantastic development for consumers. I have no affiliation with both. But both are great web sites. I did not see anyone affiliated with either site posting in these threads. So why were they closed?

The joint venture is a great thing. Both Bob and Mark posted in this thread talking about how archaic and unfair the wine laws are in this country. Well here are people doing something about it – while I highly doubt the joint venture will send shockwaves through the wine industry, it is an extremely positive development and I’m left scratching my head as to why a thread (or threads) touting its benefits have been closed/locked. This is not the only wine web site on the internet. You guys know that! So let these threads be so we can have a fruitful discussion about this very positive “consumer friendly” development.

The only Vinfolio connection that posts (occasionally) on eBob is Steve Bachmann (the CEO of Vinfolio). He only occasionally posts there for the exact reason that Squires uses an overly liberal definition of “advertising” so as to protect the eBob brand (in other words, Squires censors mentions of “competitors”, which we already know).

Sounds like a very exciting and impactful venture. I know Eric’s been on a bend to see how he can make CT a new powerhouse, bigger and badder than all the rest, and here’s a great first step!!

I just posted the press release for people to see on eBob. I wonder how long before that thread gets whacked. I’ll be pissed, but not surprised, it if does get whacked.

As the CEO of Vinfolio, thanks to all of you who have commented with your best wishes on our Marketplace and partnership with Cellartracker. Your feedback, positive or negative, is always welcomed.

P.S. I’m also glad to be a new member of this board!