Choose where I go this afternoon with report added

So I’m in Sonoma for work for a week and it s looking like my staff will have enough ready for me to look at to keep me busy this morning, but not this afternoon. Consequently, I can either be a good boss, and sit in the office and work on stuff for other clients like a good boss to support them while they are working thru the weekend far from home.

Or, I can be the bad boss, and blow out of there once I’m done like sh*t thru a goose and spend a nice 70 degree day tasting wine.

I wonder which alternative will win?

The current plan is to hit Copain, Inman, and Holdredge since they are all open without appointments. However, it occurs to me that I should solicit other ideas from this esteemed group, since I’ve previously been to each of these places about twenty times each.

Just to show I’m not a total moron, I am taking my people out tomorrow, probably to Napa.

Hanks in advance for the ideas.

Porter Creek (directly across the river from Copain). It’s a small shack, but the wines are quite impressive (and the person pouring the day I was there was a very funny Scottish man).
Unti is another fun stop if you are further north. The owner is Italian and the grapes are mostly Rhone and Italian varietals.

I have a few Porter Creek pinots stowed away somewhere but haven’t sampled many. Would be very interested on your take on this producer.


I recommend Joseph Swan. Porter creek is an interesting visit for sure. kathleen Inman is very nice and she makes very pretty wines.

+1 for Porter Creek. I haven’t been but have had a couple bottles with friends and enjoyed them. They’re on the list for my next visit.

If it isn’t too far, go to Nalle. Fantastic, old-school, age-worthy zinfandel and they are only open on Saturdays.

I’d go to the Bear Republic Brewery for a burger and beer(s) on their deck, but that’s just me.

I recall one warm day being in the crowded Porter Creek shack with condensation dripping down from the ceiling. There may have been a drip bucket on the floor. We ended up buying a bottle of the Syrah.

Unti is a great visit and appointment may be needed. Quivera in Dry Creek also has a good lineup of Rhones and Zins.

Trip report

I didn’t get out of the office until about 1:30, so headed north and stopped at in n out on the way to grab a burger, which was just ok and some really mediocre fries. Disappointing start to the days tasting…

Copain-nice viognier. Chard was ok. The pinots they were pouring need time, a lot of time. Bought some Wenzl and monument tree Pinot. The view is still fantastic.

Inman-all of Kathleen’s wines are so pretty. The 2008 Thorn Ridge and OGV Pinots are drinking great right now. The Thorn Ridge is a bit more elegant than it typically is and the OGV is a little bigger than I remember. Two very nice wines. Kathleen was in LA, so I bullied the tasting room guys into opening her rose sparkler. It is fantastic and very interesting. The nose is all Pinot at the top of the glass. Lovely light salmon color. Nice acid. Very lively and elegant in the mouth. I am more of a blanc de noir champagne guy, but this would be very popular with those looking for a beautiful, elegant, light summer sparkler. It would be great with shellfish or fruit-marinated seafood.

It was late, so I went up to Healdsburg to Alan Bakers tasting room off the square. He used to do the Cellar Rat podcasts and now has his own label, Cartography wines and shares a tasting room with Christian who makes Stark wines. They are open until 7, by the way. I was very impressed. Great Gewurtztraminer and Pinot from Floodgate vineyard off River Road in the Russian River and a nice Mendocinor Perli vineyard Pinot. The Floodgate Pinot was particularly well made and I thought is was perfectly ypical of RRV. Christian had a nice Syrah from Casey Hartslips former farm that was vilified with no new oak. Very clean and expressive cold climate Syrah. I haven’t heard much on the board about these guys you may want to check it out.

If you’re still in the area, a short jaunt up to Diavola in Geyserville would be a great stop, for lunch or dinner. And on your way to or fro you can make a quick stop in to the Ridge Lytton Springs location, like 20 seconds off of 101.

Also, in my humble opinion (I say this because it seems like some people on this site have had bad experiences there), stopping at A. Rafanelli is great fun as well.

Wish I saw this earlier, I would have sent you to Arista on Westside Road.