Last night’s dinner was Pollo Real Label Rouge whole chicken legs braised in chicken stock and dry vermouth, with a whole small onion cut into eighths, four cloves of garlic chopped, and a dozen chopped green chiles. The chicken was browned and braised for an hour and 45 minutes. It was served with Carollee’s homemade guacamole and a carafe of Margaritas made by mixing 4oz. lemon juice, 4oz. Cointreau, and 8oz. Alma de Tequila Reposado. The margaritas were very good with the spicy green chile chicken.
Then while watching the Oscars telecast, we enjoyed a couple small snifters of Grand Marnier with 2 small scoops each of Tahitian Vanilla and rich chocolate gelati.
Together after I took the legs out. I uncover the dish in the pan a half hour before the chicken’s done. Then when the chicken is done, I put it in bowls, turn the heat up to high and reduce the vermouth and stock together.