Check, Please! in Chicago, new season

Congrats and Nice going, Wilfred!! [welldone.gif]

In regards to Blue 13: Have you gone back to try the Steak and eggs on acid? Looked great!

We had dinner last night there and they had a TV to show the program. I have yet to try the “steak and eggs on acid” but will get to it maybe next visit!

Watched it last night. Congrats Wilfred, you came off very well on the episode. Will have to try your recommendation. [welldone.gif]

I got the feeling that your fellow reviewer (the woman) has a pretty narrow comfort zone. And Blue 13 is somewhat outside that zone!

Exactly, Todd.

Its funny–we didn’t really have any real conflict on the show, though I forgot I said at the conclusion, about her restaurant, “For a taste of suburbia…” LOL

My friends seem not to be fond of her.

Her friends apparently return the favor.

We friended each other on Facebook. One of her friends wrote: “The guy in the jacket–what a downer!” Another replied: “And what a snob!” Because I’m a friend of Sarah on Facebook, I replied: “I thought he was handsome and articulate.”

How funny!

Thanks for the link, David. Wilfred, you were terrific. I would eat at Blue 13 based on your enthusiasm and knowing your food likes through discussions over ther years!

Thanks, Nancy. Come visit and we’ll go there!

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