Cheap, everyday, widely available stuff.

Vajra Langhe Rosso may be exactly what you’re looking for under $15

Vietti Langhe Nebbiolo Perbacco as mentioned above. Bit over $20 though. Not brawny.

Kimyetta, welcome to the board. I hope you’ll get involved going forward.

Thank you Chris! I plan to! Wine heaven! Music to my ears! :slight_smile:

What I look for but probably not widely available:

St. Cosme CdR or Little James
Pepiere Muscadet
Lapierre Raisins Gaulois
Sartarelli Verdecchio
Any Loire red or white for $15 or less (regardless of label, still probably better than 90% of other $15 or less wines)
Ridge Three Valleys

The Ridge is probably pushing it a bit.

If I had to pick something at a big box supermarket:

Guigal CdR
Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Reserve
Concha y Toro Carmenere, any bottling
Ruffino Chianti
Chateau St. Michelle Cab
J. Lohr Viognier
El Coto Rioja

Imo, AU, Chile and WA really have the supermarket-tier thing nailed, at least for reds…just too much spoof for my tastes from the majority of supermarket CA reds and the French wines at this level are usually dreck (if they even have any). Honorable mention to Spain & Italy, although it’s usually a crapshoot with both in the grocery store.

Is the 2011 a good representation? Got it for $20 around me here. I’m right about to buy it unless you’re about to say, “no - that year was terrible for them” - i’d hate for them to have a bad first impression for me.

This the top of my list, but surely were talking the Riserva, right?

Add to that some current Columbia Crest Grand Estates release maybe some of the H3s

A boatload of Cotes du Rhone

I don’t they’ve made a good vintage of this since 2005, so much oak-spoof. Imo, CC Two Vines is actually a better value nowadays.

Ravenswood blends will never blow you away, but they’re almost always decent. And you can find them ANYWHERE.

This, but usually CdR when looking for good everyday/ weeknight bottles.

I’m not familiar with the 2011, but based on my past experience and consistent reviews I’ve seen from others I’d say that would be a pretty safe buy.

Fair enough, but there really is a wealth of very good wine in this category, two of which you and I both like:

Lanessan 2009
Cambon La Pelouse 2010

I’ve bought lots of both for $20. Lots of Lanessan in many years at that price.

Tour Saint Bonnet 2010 is really strong and around $16.99.

For me, though, Loire owns this price category. Amazing the number of high-class wines to be had for this price, including cuvees from:


Beaujolais is a great runner-up in this price category:

Thivin kills it, 2009-2010 is very good, 2011 is great.
Fessy is nice, very good in 2009

Forgot to mention some major winners from Northern Rhone:

Clape Vin des Amis
Gonon Iles Feray

Excellent syrah.

Welcome to WB, Kimyetta! Hope you enjoy it here.

+1 on the Iles Feray. Pretty tough to ask for more from a N. Rhone for $20.

Clape Amis and Baudry, among others, are “widely available”? On what planet?

Patricia Green Reserve is widely available in the PNW, and the 2013 is under $20 from Sec or Vinopolis. Always a great value.


C’mon now, this is WB and you knew we were never going to discuss truly “widely available” wines! Hell, I bet some of the supermarket wines in my post aren’t even “widely available” in certain locales…


Availability can vary so I will just list general categories.

  1. Albarino or Rueda from Spain or New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc such as Kono for an everyday white.
  2. Leitz Drachenstein or Dragonstone from Germany as another reliable bottle that is pretty widely available.
  3. Agree with Cote du Rhone reds.
  4. Agree with Jadot Beaujolais Villages.
  5. Rioja Crianza.

There are definitely many wines in this thread that don’t seem at all like “everyday widely available stuff,” but I guess those terms are fairly elastic. I could think of things I can find on the shelf at Hi Time and Wine Exchange as being “everyday widely available” in one sense, but I didn’t think that’s what the OP had in mind.