Chateau Montelena Inputs Please - 1990-91-92 Cabs

I need to choose a CA cab for a tasting next week, and I have just a single bottle of each Chateau Montelena 1990, '91, and '92. I’m very interested in any opinions on how these three wines are showing now.

My only other possibility is 1991 Ridge Monte Bello, but I’d planned to hold that wine unless you talk me out of it.

Thanks in advance.

Assuming that the bottles are sound, you really can’t go “wrong” with either the 91 Montelena or Ridge Monte Bello.


I haven’t had any of these in some time but IIRC the 91 still has a long life ahead of it while the 90 is probably mature now and the 92 might be more approachable as well. Ask Ken V.

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Wicked Cool!

The only mentioned wine I have had is the 92 Montelena Estate, and it is gorgeous.

1992 Monty is fantastic!

Also love 92 Monty Estate, 93 is very good as well.

I’ll add a +1 to the 1992 Montelena, had it last year and it was fantastic.

I last had a 1991 Montelena in 2010 and one word summed it up – profound. The 1992 is also very, very good.


I thought the last 91 Monty I had seemed like it was a little young. Don’t get me wrong, it was a tremendous wine. It just needs a few more years to put it all together. The 92 is great now and will stay there for quite a while. I haven’t had the 90 recently. The 91 Ridge could also use a little more time to develop, I would wait on that one.

I think the 91 Montelena may be the best they have ever produced. We recently did a 20 years of Montelena starting with 78 and the 91 was the WOTN.

I agree with Loren. The 91 Montelena is a flat out great wine. My only issue is whether to drink my remaining bottle or keep aging it. I am sure it will continue to improve. And, the 91 Monte Bello is even better.

Have not had the 90 or 92 Montelena.

Had it Friday (the 92) see my note: TN: Pavie, Pontet Canet, Montelena, Heitz - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers

Depends on what other wines are being served and who you are serving it for. '91 would be the best but also the richest wine, although, of course, not in any way overdone. If you want a bit more elegance go for the '92. '90 used to be a considered a good vintage, but it is probably the weakest of the three.

I’ll mostly agree that '91 is the best Montelena ever made, but the '87 is right up there and depending on the bottle, sometimes they swap places. Case in point, in March Leo put a '78-'94 Montelena vertical together and on that night, imo, the '87 bested the '91.

Of the , '90, '91 and '92 trio, the '91 and '92 are both stellar, with the '90 a bit below them, but no slouch. However, while the '91 and '92 are both delicious, they’re both still fairly young, so I’d say go with the '90 as it’s more ready, especially if you only have one bottle of the '91 and '92.

As for the '91 Monte Bello, one of my favorite Cabs. Certainly gorgeous to drink now, but I’d also hold that one, too.

Thanks to everyone for all the comments. Sounds like there is no wrong choice here. As I just have one bottle of each, that enters into my decision. I think I’ll probably go with the 1990. That would save the 1991 which may at some point get paired with the '91 Monte Bello. And between the '90 and '92, the older wine may be more ready now. Also, I know for certain the provenance, as I bought the 1990 upon release (the other two are secondary market, and they appear pristine, but you never know.)

1990 and 1992 should be excellent with limited air. The 1991 is a monumental wine that needs 24 hours of air to really show its stuff now.

Just to close the loop here, I decanted the 1990 Montelena for about an hour, then re-bottled to transport, and served about 90 minutes later. This seemed to work well. The wine showed young. The nose was grapey with a little earth and graphite. Smooth and refined texture, not so complex, some gritty tannin at end. California cab is not my thing, but I thought this wine was excellent and my WOTN against a rather disappointing field.

92 is awesome now. So is the 91 with some air. Not had the 90.

Is the 1991 Montelena really better than the 1997 Montelena?

92 is very good, Lewis. I’ve not had the 90 or the 91.

As for your 1991 Monte Bello, I don’t think it will get any better than it is right now. Fire away and prepare to enjoy!

I have not had the 91 or 92 but i did have the 1990 a couple months ago and it was very very good. One the best older Napa’s I have had.