CellarTracker reliability as of late

By the humorous posts by others, it is clear we all assumed it was a problem on Nick’s end, and not with CT. Now if you could find a way to make a 750 ML bottle of wine get eight 5oz. pours, or could extend the range of my Tesla by 100 miles, it would really be appreciated. Those are real issues daunting me today.

Depending on the route, the supercharger network is thin in some spots. (I ended up getting the CHAdeMO adapter as an insurance policy after a poor, near miss experience in Vancouver, WA.)

@Nick Ellis: No problems here…it’s everything it’s always been for me. Also, maybe think about it that you’re trouble shooting a problem you’re having instead of a problem with Cellartracker?

I had exactly the same problem as recently as Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, so it wasn’t just on Nick’s end. It resolved itself before it annoyed me enough to e-mail support about it and has been intermittent, but I’ll e-mail support if it occurs again.

ironically, CT is down right now.

Kinda funny, I’ve been trying to get CT app to load on my android and it just isn’t working, so I jumped over to WB…and here I am on this thread

Yep. Same here.

It is ironic. Our network provider is doing service impact maintenance. Was supposed to take a maximum of 20 minutes. We are at 57 right now. They are actively working on it.

Trust me, you may have seen issues, but they have absolutely nothing to do with what Nick was seeing.

See, I couldn’t get CT to load. I figure if there’s a broader problem, the WB folks will be on it. Lo and behold this thread is on top. Perfect!
I will just enter my consumption from tonight in the morning instead champagne.gif

OK, they are updating 2 routers in the main data center. They had a problem with the first, but it is done now. They are working on the second and hope to be back up in less than 30 minutes.

OK, we are back up.

Hi Eric
I think your network provider needs a lesson in ‘managing expectations’!

It’s easy to get carried away in the thinking of how long it should take, but invariably that’s if everything goes to plan and you haven’t missed any possible points of failure. It’s so easy to focus on what you know, but all too easy to not consider what is unknown/unproven.

Glad to hear the site is back in action.


We have been in this same datacenter since 2005, and this is the first time this has happened. In another year we expect to have migrated to either Azure or AWS.

I have found that the drop down search menu has been very slow lately. Anyone else?

It may be an anomality in the gravity field.

For the decade I have been on CT, I can count on 1 hand the amount of issues I have experienced with the site…and that is probably an exaggeration on my part. Consistently up and working.

Eric, CT is genius. Thank you, thank you.

I love CT- and for anyone having issues I would suggest just paying a bit extra each year for the pro version, it is worth it.

My favorite feature- and one my fellow burgundy fans will love- is that for most of the better burgundy vineyards there is a link where you can go to hear a cool 20-30 presentation from Ray Walker on the wines of that region, including a careful discussion about the perils and pitfalls of trying to bottle and deliver them on time. For each vineyard, there is a unique and mind-bending array of excuses and guilty parties- fascinating stuff.

If you happen to use the feature at the office, do be mindful of the fact Domaine Camus reviews are NSFW, but otherwise you are safe.

It certainly worked wonders for CT having that feature. Usage skyrocketed and voila you see the great success of today. If it wasn’t for Ray, we would all still be storing our wine in hay bales behind the outhouse and whipping out the papyrus and calligraphy pens every time we needed to add to our inventories.


Wins WB this week

Good luck with Azure [head-bang.gif]