CellarTracker ideas - brainstorm cool stuff for Eric here

Decided to pull this into a new thread.

Many of the online poker sites used to have contests when they were getting close to ‘hands dealt’ milestones. Those were numbers in the billions and would award players playing at tables where the 999,995,000 hand dealt (and 999,996,000, 999,997,000, and so on to 1 billion) got some sort of bonus or prize, etc.

CT could do the same thing as it approaches 1,000,000 tasting notes (with text content) where you start at 999,900 and then do each 10 up to 1,000,000. That might prevent people from entering the final 10 all at once or something like that. Of course actual numbers of notes and people who post them would have to be kept under wraps until the number was passed, then call them out.

There was also a time when you discussed tracking the ‘label uploads’. I’d be curious to see that. I know I’ve probably uploaded a few hundred myself.

I don’t like the idea of giving out a “free” six months-- CT is a community of volunteer contributors, no? Everyone should ante up because it is a group effort. How about a nice bottle of Pegau or the like?

As far as desired features, I have really wanted to be able to DISCUSS a specific wine right on the page for the wine in question. How fun would it be to have a mini-forum with other people who also own the same wine? So when I see a tasting note that seems odd, maybe I could post a question to that reviewer?

This is a pretty good idea. There are many times when I would like to do that. Especially when someone says “this was GREAT” and give it 78 points. [dontknow.gif]

There are also a few occasions I have seen where someone has posted their note on the incorrect vintage of the wine. The first note entered on the 05 Insigna is a perfect example. That note is obviously on the 04, given both the date of the note, the varietal composition described in the note, and the fact that the note states that it was the first vintage to use all estate fruit, which in fact was the 04.

Eric has said over on the CT forum that this is something that will be integrated into the “New and Improved” CT he is planning to roll out later this year.

I know the CT forum is ancillary to the main site, but it would be fun to have more emoticons to use … a la Berserkers [give_heart.gif] [berserker.gif]

That Eric guy is good!

First, let me say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! It is always an honor to have people share feedback and ideas. As a one man band I have to pick and choose and prioritize carefully, but I love to debate these in public and of course always like to revisit things down the line.

The new site under development has discussion/comment threads attached to tasting notes. I don’t have a general “wall” page for each wine in the new design, but eash user will have their own wall ala Facebook. So i will build it to be able to extend to a different context. If people still want that (thread/wall per wine) I will look at that down the line.

Let me remind folks, we already have this feature. Next to every note is a report button that sends a note to me. Then I can clean up or contact the author. If you see something that is wrong or offensive or copyrighted or whatever, just click the link to report it to me…

I will follow up with VinoMe now regarding that 2005 (potential 2004) Insignia note.

With near a million notes, thats a lot of potential following up. (Let me know if you need to start an ‘offshore’ support dept) [blush2.gif]

Not sure I like the ‘mini’ forum idea. One appeal with Cellartracker is the clean ‘notes’ section. Also it gives people an ability to post their thoughts without fear of criticism/mocking from ‘expert’. I say experts in quote b/c the problem would not be true experts like many in this forum, but the immature idiots who post spam/flame war material…

Another item I mentioned on the CT forum. When you RRS a note to Facebook, the last part is a “$$$ FIND THIS WINE ON WINESEARCHER $$$”.
it’s ugly, and it’s a lost opportunity to promote CT.
I think it’s better if it said/linked “to see more notes, come visit Cellartracker”.

I share the concern, and I have that covered. Each note has a switch so the author can set to decide whether or not to accept comments on that note. And I will have an account-wide setting to allow someone to turn commenting on or off for all of their notes at once. My hope is that people will remain civil and that most users will be willing to tolerate the occasional question/comment and see the value in it. There will also continue to be a “buddy” concept, so eventually I might tie the permissions this way (e.g. always allow my buddies to comment on notes.) Although the comment thread on a note will always be public. An initially I plan to make this a pretty simple/binary type of setting.

That is a general feature of the RSS feed for now. Several people are looking at my API to try and build a Facebook app that goes directly to CT instead of via the RSS. So for Facebook I want to remedy this. And if no one ever builds a Facebook app I will do it myself eventually.

I actually get remarkably few reports. Single digits per week and rarely more than 1 per day. BTW, you had actually reported this to me back on 2/1, and I had sent a note to the author. People usually get back right away, but this one went unanswered. I sent another note.

I’m surprised at this. I assumed you had a lot of people sending you complaints over a bunch crap so I’ve been at times reticent to bother you with smaller things. I won’t be from now on.

I also think the feedback thing can only lead to ugliness with very little value add. My desire would be that the default would be no comments and you would have to choose to allow them rather than having to turn them off each time you enter a note.

The comments will be nice, I honestly doubt that there will be a lot of flame wars started because of this. This type of concern is like banning cars because they create a lot of greenhouse gases and kill a lot of people. Yes, there will be some issues with a comments section or a mini-forum. But the interaction with your fellow winos will be awesome, in my view. Isn’t this what web 2.0 is all about? For those who don’t like comments, it appears Eric will allow you to turn them off.

Eric, it would be great if we could subscribe to a comments thread so that we will know when other users have responded.

Again, I will let you set a default, and that will be sticky for all past and future notes. So if you don’t want to play, no problem, switch it off and then you are done. But I ask you to keep an open mind and try it out…

I haven’t sorted this out, but my thought is that I will let people be notified when someone comments on one of their notes, and perhaps if they comment on a thread that will also turn notifications on. I would rather have a few account-wide settings (e.g. email me when someone comments on my note or a note I have commented on) perhaps with the obligatory BB-like instant versus daily versus weekly.

Back to the original question: should we have a contest of some sort around the “Million Note Mark?”

Sure. That person gets to pick something(s) from your cellar. [berserker.gif]