Cabot Delivery Schedule

Has anyone received wines from Cabot that they ordered over the winter? I ordered the 6-pack sampler in January and still have not received it. Several emails to Kimberly have gone unanswered and I don’t what to think.

I asked about a month ago:

I haven’t received mine either (ordered in Nov.) constant 90’s here, so they’ll have to wait till Fall.

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Wicked Cool!

Thanks for the responses. I can wait patiently until they arrive.

Hi guys. This has been a really rough year for us. We have had a hard time getting our labels for the 08, 09, and 10 vintages. They were printed far later than expected. I recieved an email this morning from our printer saying they are finally done and shipping to us today. This has been extremely frustrating, and we deeply apologize for the delays. We are planning on getting the wines out next week if the weather in shipping route permits. I will be closely monitoring temperatures in route. If any of you feel the weather is too hot to ship and wouldnt mind waiting until fall we would be happy to throw an extra bottle or two in your boxes to compensate for the hassle and tardiness on our part. Please, email me directly at and i will do whatever it takes to rectify the situation. I really value your support and appreciate your patients.

Not a problem at all John. I only posted so Alan didn’t feel alone. [cheers.gif]

Fall is perfectly fine for me.

Definitely worth the wait!

love your wines, john. my 07 confluence from an earlier is happily resting at saxon’s until our next rendezvous in tride. [cheers.gif]

Thanks for the update, John. No worries on my end. Fall shipping is good for me as well.

If I had my case today, most of it wouldn’t even make it to the Fall. So this is good news! [cheers.gif]

so there should be no problem receiving the 07 vintages, right?

Maeapple! Welcome! [cheers.gif]

Uh oh . . . newhere

Agree with others that waiting is absolutely no problem. If the weather is conducive send them across otherwise the fall is fine. Very generous of you to offer extra bottle(s) to compensate for the delay but really not necessary.

PM sent

Speaking of which, I received my Berserkers 6-pack a few weeks ago, and had a few extra bottles included by mistake. John said to keep them, but I’d like to share those with anyone who hasn’t had a chance to try a Cabot wine. Anyone in the south SF Bay Area who’d like a bottle, PM me and I’ll tell where you can pick it up.

I don’t mind waiting and will happily take an extra or two!! [snort.gif]

Ohhh shoot………just remembered, got mine in a couple of weeks ago. Oh yeah, also walked in the door a few minutes ago to find that my wife opened and drank half of my single bottle of 06 Bacon Fat (aka Kimberly’s Barrel). [swearing.gif] [cry.gif]

DUDE! Oh well, she’s entitled to half, so…

I plan to crack my last Bacon Fat sometime this year - I just don’t want to wait too long and have it lose it’s bacony baby fat goodness

Very generous offer [wow.gif] My first Cabot Syrah was from Berserker day and I loved them, thanks for reminding me I need to place another order so I can help spread the word [cheers.gif]

Thank you! I haven’t been on a board of any type in a while so it may take me a bit to find my feet but I’m excited to join. :slight_smile: