Bye Bye Williams Selyem

I’ve certainly never seen it (lowered prices) happen. W-S can charge what it does and at least mostly sell out based on caché and the appearance of scarcity. Lowering prices would undermine both.

Maybe it’s as simple as this; the wines sell out because they are really really good.

Hahaha! I love threads like these that start with whining about first world problems, then a few shots get taken at the whiner, then the back & forth starts.

It’s a friggin’ email - it didn’t come “postage due”, it didn’t ruin your “carbon footprint” because not one single tree was killed sending it, and it takes no time at all to delete. As the legendary Sgt. Hulka said:

Well with that many emails to remind you to purchase, no doubt they will sell out :wink:

Agreed Jay. Though maybe some day we’ll live to see it happen haha :slight_smile: