budapest or Prague

Can’t decide whether we should visit Budapest or Prague while in Europe next November. Never been to either. Not looking for wild nightlife.

Any sugestions?

Prague. May be the most beautiful city in Europe (and all original). It’s going to be cold, though

I went to both on the same trip, loved both. Prague is absolutely amazing with crummy food, Budapest is wonderful with great food.

Prague by a length.

Sounds like Prague. We’ll stock up on great restaurants on the other leg of our trip and survive in fast food restaurants if needed.

we are doing both next month

Prague was one of the few old great cities that was not damaged in bombing raids by either side in World War II. For beauty Prague first by a large margin.

Speaking of beauty, BOTH cities are noted for ridiculously beautiful ladies so you had best warn your SO that you WILL be distracted but not unfaithful…

We had a couple nice meals when we went to Prague last year. I’ll try to track down the restaurant’s names for you … from memory, I believe the name of one of the restaurants was “Artisan.” Could be wrong about that, though.