Braving the Heat in Support of Preserving CA Historic Vineyards

Definitely only list to make this one year

Nice report Brian. The heat this year was unfortunate. Just getting over a cold, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so weak from the weather as I did last Saturday. The white wines saved the day for sure.

Good grief, Stephen…why in the world would they ban winemakers from taking walks thru the vnyds w/ customers?? That’s primarily
why I visit wineries…not to look at more SS tanks. Makes no sense.
Are they they going to ban the SolvangCentury because it cycles thru vnyds as well?
I gather the ordinance was defeated?

I tried to sit outside in Chico California yesterday with some friends and it was 109 and we lasted 5 minutes.

Hi Tom the rationale is that vineyards and wineries should not have commercial activity on AG land. They should just grow grapes and make wine. They also proposed to ban vineyard painting classes and yoga classes. Winemaker dinners were also limited. Their is a very strong no growth/no tourist philosophy among our elected officials.
The votes are always 3-2. Santa Barbara County is the only major wine county that does not have a county sponsored tourism bureau. Instead the hotels in the five major areas have TBIDs whose mantra is heads in beds. They do not cooperate, at times compete and promote only their area.