Booksellers of antiquarian wine books?

One of the lots I purchased at the Copia Auction recently included a number of old books on burgundy including Le Vin de Bourgogne by Camille Rodier printed in 1921. I can’t find much about these books on the net and would appreciate recommendations for booksellers or appraisers who specialize in rare wine books. Know anyone?

Hey Mark
Pm me. I have info on the book. Second a
Editions can be scarce, is your’s a second ed? I have some links to help you figure info but I mention a bit on mt blog, linked below:

I’ve only seen one original, 1920. It came signed, bought it without a second thought. 1921 is an excellent find as well! Well done.


This should help:

The ABEBooks is the best place to find or research info on old books. This database links most of the antiquarian book sellers not only in the US but most of the english speaking countries. I have found books I was looking foe in Australia, Wales, Finland and even one in Egypt. It is a hand resource.


extreme prices.
first edition have 296 pages.Others more.
here is a first edition(1920) for 65 Euro.
bought my(1920) in not so good condition for 60 Euro,2 year ago.
i think, many higher price are 100 exemplares with japon paper,numbered and sign.

I second the recommendation for ABE Books website. It’s probably the largest used and rare book website. Another avenue is, which is an aggregator of used and rare book websites. I usually use it when I can’t find what I want on ABE.

Thanks all. The Abe’s Books and zvab sites are great resources and Ray, your blog report on the Rodier book is terrific!