What are the top wine related restaurants in the area presently? In addition to fine cuisine, I looking for good stemware, wine selection, reasonable corkage, service, etc. Thank you.
Any other recs? I leave next Wednesday for one week.
Although I did not hear back from anyone on this website for participation, a grand evening did occur and a fine restaurant was discovered:
In preparation for a week long family visit to the Boise area, I called my wine store owner friend, Brian Erickson of Erickson`s Fine Wines in Eagle, to see if he could put together a wine dinner during my stay. Quite graciously, he did and did it well.
Brian picked a theme of mostly Walla Walla wines which delighted me in that I have not had a lot of exposure to these wines and wanted to explore them more.
He also arranged for us to dine at a nearby Italian restaurant, Bella Aquilla, which served us righteously in a private dining room. The restaurant is at the top of their game in all areas including wine service, stemware and a good wine list as their General Manager, Chad Cooper, is wine knowledgeable and passionate, even to the point of serving us personally. Its location along the banks of the cresting Boise river made for quite an attractive setting.
Brian went to the extent of printing out tasting note forms for each of us and brown bagged the wines to enhance the learning experienced even more.
Notes posted on Wine Talk.