Blind Tasting is HARD!

I really wanna thank you folks for posting about this.

It is 100 points interesting!

Don’t be such a baby; blind tasting is easy.
(the identification part can be a pain though)

That’s a great (and very challenging) lineup.
We do a blind tasting nearly every week but I’m not so sure I would have done well at your tasting.

That looks like a lot of fun.

The points seem off though. The more critical things you’d want to identify are region and grape varietal yet those are weighted the least. Calling vintage and vineyard is crazy, they don’t even expect that level of precision on some wines for the MS exam.

Almost every night, the misses picks out the wine and gives it to me blind. Practice, practice practice and it’s not SO daunting as it seems. I would never be able to call Appellation within Northern Rhone and certainly couldn’t call accurate vintage on a rhone wine. Still, looks really fun!

I scored two bottles on Winebid. We’ll drink them when you’re not available.

We must meet up next time I’m out there. You’re the kind of guy I like to blind taste with. [wink.gif]