BERSERKERS ONLY! New handmade leather sheath for The Durand! (FROM The Durand!)

zero percent chance you put a Durand sheath on your Gucci belts, bro

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Dude please. Gucci so 2008.


(also, don’t tell Meats, he has plenty of Gucci)

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Oh that’s right, you are a Herpes guy…I mean Hermes!

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What a nice surprise. Order in, thank you!

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Pierre Cardin?

Always in style since 1970!


Order in… Thanks @ToddFrench!!

Order placed! Now to explore making it into a belt buckle

Presumably the free shipping is USA only?

But then again, since I bought my Durand (they OEM for various wine dealers in other countries I believe, or if they don’t then the factory that makes them in China does!) here in HK for ~US$23 I guess I won’t be needing to pay twice that much for a case to put it in!

Plot twist, Alfert was going to strap it onto his heart rate monitor for cycling.

I was also wondering if we could make a belt buckle out of it. How cool would that be! Saunter up to the bar with western style swagger, reach down and grab your buckle in a very manly way and whip out the Durand, and demand a 1959 Mouton.


On the buckle Now lol

But then ones Jordache might slip hitherto

You spelled Hugo Boss wrong! :laughing:

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Looks great!
Order in.

Never forget your roots!

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exactly my thought!

I think y’all are a little goofy thinking about walking around with a Durand on your belt loop, but I’m guessing the snap strap might snap over a belt loop itself, while not having a belt loop installed ON the sheath. It goes over the handle, I presume, to hold it in place, just loop it through a belt loop on your pants and you will definitely NOT get hit on. Problem solved!

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