Like many, I try to stay on a budget for wine purchases. And I am very satisfied with my purchases. I’m thinking why not make that event a central purchasing event…
Its only getting bigger and better. It’s turning into a giant buying club. Food for thought.
I like the idea, but the logistics are just extraordinary, and how does such a project get funded?
Funded? Why worry about that. It is wine – and fun ![[neener.gif] neener](/uploads/db3686/original/2X/3/3bd35321ffd7ed2243d1d518ebb606d554360600.gif)
Same thing as Kickstarter?
Similar. Kick starter is for design projects.
I’ll think about it some more. Maybe we could have a monthly special purchase with just a couple of wineries each time. this would not replace berserkerday, more like an ongoing program.
I spoke with a participanting winery, they sold a LOT of wine on friday. The posts in the offer threads by users stated they were buyers were only a small percentage, like 10%, of the actual people that ultimately purchased.
As for ‘funding’, I mean not in a ‘let’s raise capital’ way…
Anyway, Brig’s suggestion is an interesting one, and one I have considered…but it’s tricky in terms of whether or not we need to license WB for liquor sales, or can just float sales to wineries now and again.
The advantage we have is that if we featured a couple wineries a month, we could have all kinds of discussions about the wines, chat with the winemakers, etc, and really have a concentrated, focused sales effort for a limited period of time, creating more than just a club, and more than just an online wine community.
What’s interesting about the indiegogo approach is you don’t give up any equity – kinda like selling GB Packer’s shares. :lol: