BerserkerDay 11 Participants MASTER THREAD/FAQ

Yeah, SO new lol

flirtysmile flirtysmile flirtysmile flirtysmile flirtysmile flirtysmile flirtysmile


Hey folks, if you haven’t started setting up your posts/offers, get on it! The more time you allow, the better end-product you’ll get, as you don’t want to rush to the end and miss out. Get those images, language all settled, and be sure your websites are ready, and your URL or promo code is working!

Todd, are we considered “newbies” at this point? Do I need to do a "… janitor/case carrier/glass washer/revolutionary… " intro? And if so, where does this go?

Todd, Greg and I spoke.

Greg, you good?

Yes, thank you!

Keep the threads coming, folks! Don’t wait until the last minute! :slight_smile:

I didn’t see the event hours listed for Jan 27. What time do you start posting the offers?

You’ll find much of that info here - BerserkerDay 11 Master Thread - FAQ/Updates/Info - RECORDS SET YET AGAIN! - BerserkerDay 11 Forum - (Jan 27, 2020) 'The Black - WineBerserkers

I’ll be notifying all participants of their launch times on the 25th, most likely, but Preview Day if not

Hi all, a question I haven’t seen asked or answered yet: I see some folks saying that the supplies are limited on a particular wine or offer. Any (sorry) sour grapes should we be so lucky to sell out of something and there are still order requests? I don’t flatter myself here, but just wondering if people ever say that there are only X number of bundles or X number of cases to be had, to manage expectations? Or just leave that all to mystery?
Thanks for any guidance. :slight_smile: Erin

Hey, Erin.

Lots of offers are limited. For example some offer a library selection and there might only be 10 4 packs, for example, or while supplies last. First come first serve.

The question is how do you limit it?

First 10 people to post into the offer thread saying “I love DiCostanzo”.

First 10 people to email me at

First 10 people to leave a message on my cell phone at 555-555-1234

First 10 people to use the code BD11 when you check out of our website shopping cart.

All the above work and berserkers know, you snooze you lose. It’s part of the game and what makes it crazy. Why am I sitting in front of the computer all day watching offers get released? Because I might miss something. Berserkers!

Also, if you have limited supplies then specify only one “pack” per customer. You want as many people as possible getting your offering. We have had a few people snap up everything… Probably not what you’d want.

When you do sell out, and you will, just update the subject and the body of the offer with SOLD OUT so people know. That too is great advertising. “Sold out, what’s the deal with this DiCostanzo? I better check it out…”

We have had wineries sell out and people beg for more so they added new offers in the middle of the day after rummaging through the cellar. “Hey, I found 4 cases of Pinot under my bed, I’ll let it go for 30 bcuks a bottle.” Bam! It’s gone. We’re all crazy.

Thought I saw directions in here, but I can’t seem to find them. How to we post images in a post? Thanks!


If they are hosted on your site or elsewhere, use the ‘insert image’ button, and enter the URL of the image.

Screen Shot 2020-01-25 at 9.43.19 AM.png
If they are attachments, go to the ‘Attachments’ tab below the text box and upload them in line or just all at the end.

Screen Shot 2020-01-25 at 9.43.47 AM.png
I’ve changed your group from ‘newly registered user’ to ‘registered user’ as the former can’t post images. If anybody else has issues, just PM me and I can easily fix it in seconds

She doesn’t have the minimum post for attachments?

Right, anybody under 25 posts is a ‘newly registered user’ and can’t post attachments. I can override it easily if I know it is needed

Thank you both for your quick reply! Still getting the hang of this. I reposted my newbie intro with photos. I’ll try to pull from my website when attaching photos for our offer.

I made a Badge to support all of us in Support to Stop the EU Tariffs if anyone would like to use it it is here.
WB Support thumb.jpg

Looks like the one pic you added at the top of the post didn’t quite take