It seems the craft beer movement is seriously geeking-out about hops these days. I like that, and have no complaints. Just want to be clear on that.
Now, on to my thought of the day — that’s right, I only have one per day, so I try to make it count. Help me out here.
I just got done drinking an English Strong Pale Ale made with American hops (Cascade). It was advertised as being very hoppy, with citrus aromas, blah blah blah. It clocked-in at 5.2% abv, fwiw. Basically, this beer was advertised as an American-style hoppy ale. It failed to live up to those promises. I’ve had lots of these types of beers since moving out here — American hops, advertised as “American-style ___ Ale”, varying degrees of alcohol — but NONE* of them have really pulled-off the style.
* I will say, The Kernel Brewery (out of London) has pulled of the style quite well, and would probably be the one exception to what I say above.
So, this got me thinking (partially out of frustration, partially out of simple curiosity): Why is it that English brewers simply fail at their attempts to mimic the super-hoppy American beer styles?
Is it differing water sources?
Probably not the water, I think, as there’s plenty of variance amongst American water sources, yet American brewers from New York to California to Florida to Washington to Michigan all brew fantastically wonderful hoppy beers.
Is it different hops?
Is it a difference in alcohol levels?
I don’t think so. I’ve now had plenty of 5%, 6%, 7%+ English beers advertising themselves as “American style ___ Ale” – hoppy, blah blah blah – that simply don’t compare. It’s not the abv.
So, what’s left?
Is it the amount of hops?
Or, is it the type of malt being used?
I don’t know, but I suspect this might be the case. I’ve never really paid attention to the kind of malt used in the beers I drink, but perhaps I should? Just when I thought I was starting to get a grip on the flavor profiles of the different hop varieties, this curveball enters the game. I don’t know if American brewers and English brewers use the same malt. I assume they don’t because they taste different from each other, even when the same hops are used and when the same abv. is achieved.
So, should we beer geeks be geeking about malt just as much as we do about hops? I really don’t know, but am very curious to hear the thoughts of others who may have more insight than I on this matter.