Beer can chicken

Any special instructions, suggestions?

I can not believe I have never done one before, but it is on the menu tonight.


It’s trickier than it looks…

How so? I could not see your picture.

image fail…


It’s been a few years since I last did one but I can recommend using a tall boy (16 or 24 oz can) and keep it topped up while cooking the chicken.

Rikka’s Image can be found here

For me that is a link fail… :wink:

no beer cans so I had to use a soup can…
Meh… I did not think the cooking tech. was all that special

Mel, great pic! Did you fill the soup can with beer or water or something else? Part of the secret is supposed to be the steaming from inside the bird.

Beer, I had, cans of beer, I did not…
I used some HdP, butter and 6>8 oz of an IPA