Bedrock Retrospective release

No Costco where we live

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I am in Oregon. No weather hold has been placed on my order. I received a shipment confirmation today (Monday). Right on schedule. Should arrive on Wednesday.
Phil Jones

Same, my order is on the way up to Seattle, meant to arrive on Wednesday.

I am jealous! Enjoy!

Same here, although it’s supposed to be near 100 in Redding today, so a bit concerned why they didn’t just hold it until next week when the weather will be cooler?

Mine departed Sacramento this morning at 7:30. Should be fine.

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Just picked my shipment up from FedEx. Bottles still cool to the touch.

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Just popped the 2010 Bedrock Vineyard Cabernet and DAMN. For some reason I’d been thinking this was just the baseline Sonoma cabernet (not sure where I got that idea in my head). So popped it thinking it could be starting to go over the hill – from the first whiff was clear it wasn’t the wine I thought I’d opened. This will last a lot longer, at least 5 years maybe a decade (my cork broke so that might be the weak link).

The nose is very interesting and made me think it would be a soft easy drinker. But this is still very tannic and needed about 30 minutes to loosen up, progressing from there. Loads of structure but the fruit peaks through. Describing specific flavors still isn’t my strong suit but I’m getting herbs and blue fruit. While still tannic it is a joy to drink, really enjoying it. Wish I’d bought more than one!


I remember having this a few years ago and being blown away by it, think I have one or two more. Seemed like how cab used to be made, in the best way possible. Wish there were more wines around in this style, probably going to be amazing at 30 years.

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