Bedrock New Website - order history

No answer either way for me yet.

Yes. Wishlist granted per email sent adding to my original order.

No word on wishlist for me yet.

Wishlist granted, not all that I asked for but grateful for what I got. Received email notification yesterday.

Just a bit of an update on what has been a rather frustrating day from a tech standpoint.

So, wish-list requests have only been partially granted due to an inventory snafu in our new ordering system. Currently everything has been granted except for the last few cases of Limerick Lane and Hudson Syrah and a few bottles of Rebecca’s Pinot Noir. It is our first time doing wish-listing with the new system and there are some kinks to work out that we were not expecting.

None of this was made better by the Amazon server that hosts our, and many other websites, melting down at 9:40 this morning (about an hour and a half after the Waiting List offer was released) and not getting back up in action until a little after 1. During this time ordering was down for the Waiting List and we were also unable to work on correcting the wish listing issues.

So, all of this is to say that everything is a work in progress and we will be working into the night to correct the wish-list issue. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Sorry about this and thank y’all for your patience. Another good reminder why we make wine and aren’t in tech!!

Sorry to hear about the hassle but excited to hear that the Hudson wish list may still happen.

Wish-listed 2 Rebecca’s and 2 extra Cab. Got 2 Rebecca’s and 1 Cab.

Note to self: Always wish-list more Cab than you want.

(which worked very well for the 2010 Cab library release)

Yea, Amazon also hosed our business system on Tuesday, last business day of the month no less.

On the Wish List front: I was granted my Weill a Way. [cheers.gif]

Aw, I really wanted some of that syrah.

Wish list granted
1 limerick lane
1 Syrah.

Hmm still havent heard back on my LL wish request

Wishlist requests on Hudson and Limerick have finally been granted. We unfortunately had almost double as many wish requests for Limerick as we actually produced of the wine and only ten cases to dole out- we spread it around as best as possible but sorry if we could not get people some. It was a similar situation with Hudson and Rebecca’s.

We appreciate everyone’s patience on this- I think we have the kinks worked out for future releases (fingers crossed!). Feel free to reach out to us, is best, if you have any others questions or concerns.

Also, thank you everyone for the continued patronage and support and to the many of you who sent kind words on the new website!

I am digging into the new website this weekend. Psyched to do this.

Still no final reponse for me.

Ah well, glad I got the Hudson at least

So, should those who haven’t heard about their wish list requests assume they weren’t granted?

Id think probably so unfortunately.

BUT…absolutely worth reaching out to Chris and Morgan to confirm.