
Vannieres has already been mentioned. Excellent wines across the board.
Domaine de la Vivonne has not been mentioned. They have a cellar of beautifully aged wines at reasonable prices. It is 15 minutes from the center of town. There are few if any places where you can get well-aged Bandol and that alone makes it worth a stop.

Dan Kravitz

I would put Bastide Blanc in the first tier. But Tempier should be in its own category, it so much better than anything else in the appellation.

I am happy with Bastide Blanche in either first or second tier. Have had only once one of their single vineyard bottlings, so donā€™t have a full picture, but always thought their regular Bandol is great.

Agree with your point on Tempier.

So many wines mentioned in this thread that I love, including Chateau Simone and Clos Cibonne along with the Bandol producers (havenā€™t had Ray-Jane, though). Pradeaux is notable for being in the same family since before the French Revolution.


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Plenty of good recs in here already but Iā€™ll throw out Lafran-Veyrolles, which I donā€™t think gets enough love.

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However according to some accounts it is a particularly unwelcoming place to visit :grinning:

Chateau Ste Anne Cuvee Collection is first-tier red for me. And they make a nice CĆ“tes de Provence that is widely available and very well priced in restaurants, e.g., in the town of Bandol. The Marc is really good too but you wonā€™t find it outside the domaine.

There is a street parallel to and up the hill from the main street in Bandol that has a number of smaller better local restaurants.