Who’s interested? I’ll host/coordinate the first one. I’m in Guilford, near Hopkins undergrad/Loyola; about 10 minutes from downtown Baltimore. I’ve got room at my house for 12 seated, 20 - 30 if we keep it informal. We could also hold it at one of the local BYOBs (Corner BYOB, Havana Road, The Wine Market, etc). Open to whatever theme food or wine-wise, though I’m deeper in domestic vino and would prefer to not have to source something. Ideally looking for bottles to be in the $40 - 60 range, and if we’re staying in, everyone would bring a dish to share, too.
Twenty-four hours and no responses? Either there aren’t many Baltimore Berserkers, or the Baltimore Berserkers don’t look at the Offline Planner much because it’s rare that anyone proposes a Baltimore offline. Or maybe the Baltimore Berserkers are all Dookies and are ignoring you purposefully.
Anyway, it’s a good idea. I would like to attend (probably with my wife Pauline) depending on the timing. My April schedule is dicey.
I’m going to be moving to the Alexandria area soon enough, though I don’t know if a night of drinking and then driving home is such a good idea. Guessing there is a train I can probably take though! Look forward to it! -mJ
I would also be in. Sorry I hadn’t seen this earlier. I would love to help make this happen. I live about 45 minutes away. Easy!
Brad, I’ll spill with a Dookie anytime, so long as we agree not to bring up that subject… in fact, I often drink with a Dookie neighbor of mine, and we indeed never bring it up.
Mark, there are indeed trains from Baltimore to DC/Alexandria, though on the weekends your only option is Amtrak (which I think is $40 each way). The last southbound MARC train on Friday (takes you into DC, where you can catch the metro) is 9:05PM. That’s $7.
Ally, I’m actually thinking of coming out your way to Black Ankle for the Friday night music & grilling they do, and soon. Do you know if they’re still doing that this year?
I don’t know about the grilling, but they definitely still have the Fireside Fridays going on. Sugarloaf also has live music and is out this way.
I may be interested in joining in and representing NoCal (Northern Calvert County). Let me know what you’re thinking on dates and venue…
Not to worry – I am far from being a Dookie. In fact, I am thinking of sending my daughter to Lehigh on general principle.
This topic certainly has taken off since this morning. It will be interesting to see how this comes together.
Matt et al, how’s availability for everyone April 21 or April 28 (both are Saturdays)? Again, happy to host or coordinate with a local BYO, so let me know your preference on that, too. I’ve got another 10 interested people who I don’t think are Berserkers but live in my neighborhood and are into wine, so we could have a decent crowd. I want to keep it under 20, or even smaller if possible, unless everyone wants to bring two of the same bottle so everyone gets a taste of everything. By late April, the weather should be conducive to using my front and back porches (and grilling) if I host. And maybe even the hammock if you don’t want to drive home.
I am 75% in for either date - just need to run it by the boss and she may end up being a +1. Your place sounds great and really appreciate the hospitality however if this goes to a BYOB that’s fine with me also.
I could do April 21st but not the 28th. This is awesome of you to put together. I’m sure people will be more than happy to contribute more than one bottle if need be.
Seeing no objections to 4/21, let’s go with that. I will host at my place and plan to grill up something tasty. Now let’s pick a theme. Keep it basic to start. Please bring a $40 - 60 (or more!) bottle per couple, and a starter/side/dessert to share (we will have individuals choose in advance so we don’t end up with 16 desserts), and we will limit participation to the first 16 people to sign up.
Themes… (and why the alliterations?! Not really sure. But here they are)
A. Cali Cabs
B. Domestic Disturbance (anything domestic)
C. Pot Luck Party (anything from anywhere)
D. Northwest Nippers (Ray Charles would be proud to see the nippers reference, pardon the pun)
E. Syrah Shakedown (domestic, French, Aussie, whatevah)
Please make your preference known here, and I will plan a main dish accordingly. And if anyone would like to contribute a nice white or two, that would be great. I’ve got a few, but my cellar is 99% red.
Mike - I am in, count me for one and if there is room toward the end I may add a +1. My first preference is “E” and second is “A”…
Count me +1 in as well. I too like E. and then maybe C. But I honestly don’t mind any option.
Just got back to this thread. April 21 happens to be the 11th anniversary of my wedding to my lovely wife, Pauline. I suspect a bacchanalian offline is not what she has in mind for the occasion (though I will suggest it). Fingers crossed?
Brad, I suspect you’re correct. But you can always ask…
Since I’m guessing folks don’t check this forum as much as the others, please PM me your email address so I can send out notifications/information more privately and in a means more likely to actually reach you.
Well damn. In-laws have picked 4/21 to come visit us; they’ve never given us less than 3 months notice of a visit before. Figures! So, let’s pick another date. Folks who PM’d me will get emails, and if you’ve not done so yet, please send me your email via PM. April 28 and May 19 are good for me.