Aubert Chard Release around the corner

Just saw the email. my largest CA white purchase annually (enjoy at release but love at year 5 and beyond). Others as excited?

[wow.gif] [cheers.gif] I used to be, when the price was about half what it is now!

i would certainly rather be paying $50 (first release) vs the $80 currently but for the quality (in my mind) it isn’t priced out of the market

Good wines, but I prefer the Rochioli Chards now, I don’t shy away from the ultra-ripe style but prefer a touch more balance, plus I need to buy them for the Pinots.

Anyone have any ideas or info on the 2010’s? Another reminder email came out today about this week’s release.

Funny how there is zero chatter on Aubert now. I’m curious about the 2010’s as well, so basically this is a bump.

Allocations are already up even though January 10 was the stated date. In seeing the allocation offerings in commerce corner, I figured I would see if they were actually up – and they were. Get your Reulings while you can since they always sell out.

I see there is a six bottle minimum. Is this new? I recall being able to order three bottles in the past.

I believe you are correct. I suppose that must mean that allocations for all are at least 6 bottles… [snort.gif]

Well, if that is the case, they are headed more toward the Kistler school of thought - smaller customer base, larger orders. I may actually pass this round.

Passing for first time.

Looks like the same allocation as last year…there are few CA Chards I buy much of any more but really like these…though with so many bottles stacking up in the cellar going back to 2001 I may have to temper my future buying enthusiasm, err, well, next year i guess…

Got the release letter this weekend, strange, my allocation is double than what is was last year. Weird, considering the yields I assume were drastically low in '10 compared to '09. Are there any scores out there other than Mark’s own tasting notes? Little wary of the '10 vintage.

Six bottle minimum, I’m out.

Usually in for 3 Lauren. With a 6 bottle minimun… pass. I will wager theses will show up on the secondary market at release prices. Just my .02

It’s rare that I’m in the mood for a Chard of this style, but when I am the Auberts are great. That said, don’t think I’m interested with the six bottle minimum.

Add to that $70 shipping a case to so cal…

Just ordered some, 8 bottles to the midwest was $82

First time pass…

I was planning to pass anyway, but couldn’t help noticing that my allocation was only 6 bottles. I have bought an average of 15 bottles per year for the last 7 years from these guys. I never buy the overripe Pinot’s or that swill they call a cabernet. I wonder if that affects allocations.

At any rate easy, easy pass.