Are You Buying Any 2008 Bordeaux?
- Yes, I will buy as futures.
- Yes, I will buy once in bottles.
- Maybe, I will wait for bottle scores and reevaluate.
- No, I am not a buyer of this vintage.
- No, I am not a buyer of BDX at all.
- Flawed poll.
Well…based on all the newly released ratings and flurry of activity elsewhere…are you a buyer?
I may be a CostCo buyer, nothing more, no futures.
I always buy . . . but Chuck Norris taught me to wait . . .
The rule is that if you voted “Flawed poll”, you have to expound on why.
I just buy whatever Liotta tells me to buy
I am definitely buying as it’s my boys birthyear, but I’m going to wait a little while.
may buy, but only after I taste for myself.
Ditto…except for the “boy” part and the “little while” part. Look for me browsing the shops in 2011-2012.
I commented on the about the huge amount of fungicides used in the vintage as my reason to totally pass. Squires had to hit me with the “you are King of Wikipedia” BS because I mentioned some FDA challenged fungicides and then the Palate himself questioned whether life is too short to pass on good wine for such trivial reasons. With many of the fungicides used to control vineyards having half lives of 5 years or more and the long term consequences of such chemicals not yet known is anyone else queasy about these potential DNA changing sprays. I would appreciate any grape growing experts chiming in.
My answer is a definite and resounding NO
Systemically ingested fungicides, even FDA approved for treatment in humans, are very dangerous compounds. I have several horror stories involving amphotericin B that I cannot relate here.
I haven’t bought any Bordeaux since the late 80s
Why buy 2008s when there is no shortage of excellent 2005s to be had?
Nope, not so long as 06 Burgundy is on the market .
Bullshit you poseur [gheyfight.gif]