April 2024 France (Champagne, Burgundy, N. Rhone) Trip Report

J … I know how much time it takes to assemble reports like yours. It’s much appreciated.


Great trip and observations. The details of your reports are much appreciated!

Absolutely fantastic! Thanks for taking the time, and all the great notes and thoughts. Vernay used to be impossible to visit, sounds like they have instituted some kind of limited visiting program. Clape and Gonon are bucket list!

Awesome! Thanks for all the effort that went into these posts. It was a joy to read.

Very nice report!

Just saw this, shame to have missed you in Champagne and Rhone but glad you had a great trip too! :slight_smile: Thanks for the informative reports on the visits as well.

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Were you setup by a distributor/importer? or email? i’m hoping to visit Gonon in the summer on a day trip into the region from Lyon.


Just a nice email. I have the feeling you’ll have a decent shot if you contact them sufficiently in advance.

Good luck!

Great write up. I full day in Burgundy will only scratch the surface. Agree with @MChang re: visits. Drouhin, Bouchard or Jadot would give you a much broader introduction. And to truly understand Burgundy, a meal at Ma Cuisine is essential. Kidding, but not really. I ate at Lameloise in 2002 because I wanted a *** experience and it was a lot cheaper than anything in Paris. Needless to say, I agree with your take and not quite sure how it acquired the rating. The American, smoking a cigar all night long, demanding a hamburger, didn’t help. I had much better meals at the afore mentioned MC.

@J_Rock - just seeing this now, what an amazing report - thank you! I have been the N. Rhone a bunch, but have yet to visit Cornas - I will need to put that on my lIst!

Thank you so much for the amazing post!

Enjoyed the notes and the photos. Thanks!