Sorry for the late notice on this one. Looking at my schedule I will be in Hauppauge with an open night March 29. Anyone around for popping some bottles?
Sorry for the late notice on this one. Looking at my schedule I will be in Hauppauge with an open night March 29. Anyone around for popping some bottles?
I’m game. Anything particular in mind?
I may be around. When, where? Friday works better.
Friday I am kinda stuck because its the pre night to the weekend work that is bringing me there. Its also the first stop in an 18 city tour so we will be meeting, going over things, etc.
I will be staying at the Sheraton Long Island but can easily Taxi somewhere if needed.
Leslie. you can’t easily taxi anywhere on Long Island. I live 5 minutes from the Sheraton so I can provide transportation. Decent food and BYO places are few and far between in these parts.
My thought was to hit Kitchen a Trattoria in St. James (15 minutes away) which has no corkage and a Med menu. Any thoughts on wine? Also available to join us is Rob Hansult, who’s a Beserkers contributor and vineyard manager.
Time is up to you. Any wine thoughts? Interested in some of our local “world class” wines? Best to email direct at
FYI Kitchen a Trattoria is CASH ONLY.
That would be great Alan!
I probably will not hit dinner till 7pm, but, I can email you and give you a status update I land at JKF at 4:40 pm but it usually is a 4:20 landing. I will have to wait on luggage however (wine). I might get in much sooner, but, you never know.
I am US focused but also have some bubbles and germans. I am open to whatever wine use. Its the people first, wine second and be it a bottle I am revisiting or something new, great!
Hey, Leslie,
OK, I’m starting to get thirsty!
Spoke w/Alan before - Sounds like fun!
I’ve some farmer-fizz, & a bunch of young Germans (Yes, I am a Baby-Killer!) I’m dying to taste. I’ve become obsessed with the 2010 German Rieslings, I’m afraid.
Kitchen a Trattoria sounds good to me. Haven’t been. I’m sure Alan can vouch for it.
If you guys want to pick a time. I’ll be out east during the day, but could get up there for 7-7:30-ish.
How about a Saxum?
Would have loved to join in the fun, but I’ll be in ROC and BUF.
Rob, name some Germans you would like to drink from your collection and I can see if I can offer a different year, etc to taste along with it. I also have some 2010s
My plane should have wifi so I can give you a landing update if need be.
My wife Caroline and I will be there.
Alan: Plenty of good food AND byo places. I guess it depends on what “these parts” are. See you tomorrow.
Let’s aim for 7:30 p.m. I’ve made a rez.
David, as far as I am concerned, most of Suffolk County (East End excepted) is a dining wasteland. You’ll have to fill me on in BYO options.
I don’t have a list for my semi-organized cellar, but off the top of my head.
2010 Lauer Fass 12 - Dying for an excuse to crack one. Just discovered Lauer with the '10 Barrel X. The best QPR in dry(ish) Riesling I’ve come across.
2010 Von Volxem Scharzhofberger - New, huge fan of Roman’s amazing, serious, intense elixers. His 2010 “P” was the best wine I tasted last year.
2010 Spreitzer Hattenheimer Wisselbrunnen EG - Love Spreitzer, & haven’t tasted one of their dry wines yet.
2010 Willi Shaefer - Domprobst Kab & Spat - Just because, I like the wines a lot, but don’t see exactly why so many go bonkers over them.
On the sweeter side. '03 & '06 Spreitzer “303”. Haven’t come across any 2010 yet. Always love these GoldKap Spat’s, & they don’t seem to get all the love they deserve.
Donnhoff '06 Felsen Turmchen - An overlooked Donnhoff, or is the production just so small?
Unfortunately I’ve burned through all my 4 cases of the Amazing Merkelbach '10’s - & I’m not even embarrassed! Could not keep my hands off of them - Have to find more.
The original prices were Insane. Would be interested in their Erdener Treppchen that wasn’t part of my mix.
Some prototypical 2010 Selbach-Oster Zelt Sonn Kab & Meulenhof Wehlener Sonnenuhr Spat (better than their treppchen Alte Reben in '10).
Tasted my first Markus Molitor wine last month - may have a bottle of an '07 Zelt Sonn Kab down there.
Let me know what’s interesting, or compatible/different Vineyards/vintages, or what you have/are interested in?
Riesling w/Italian won’t be a first for me, but how does everybody else feel about a chunk of the vino being Riesling?
Cool, Alan. That works for me.
I may have a +1, but probably won’t hear back from her til tonight.
Any other wine input? Don’t want to necessarily push all Riesling on everybody. But may sigh, & balk slightly if L.I. wine is suggested.
Will bring a bottle of Farmer-Fizz a friend imports & represents - Gimonnet-Gonet Brut NV.
Reisling is ok by me; we will bring a chateauneuf and a pinot.
Ok! Here is what will be joining me on the plane.
2005 Schloss Lieser, Lieser Niederberg Helden Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel
2004 Dönnhoff, Schlossböckelheimer Felsenberg Riesling Spätlese Nahe White
Leslie: Can you (and ALan) PM me so we can stay in touch later this afternoon? If you are delayed by plane and/or traffic out to LI, it becomes a problem for me (I will explain) but not for my wife.
Will do!
We took off on time: FlightStats - Global Flight Status & Tracker, Airport Weather and Delays
I love in flight wifi.
Lets hope traffic is not too painful.
Looking forward to tonight!
Very nice, Leslie!
The Helden will be a much looked forward to 1st for me.
Why don’t I cover the dryer/Rheingau side of the spectrum.
2010 Spreitzer Hattenheimer Wisselbrunnen Erstes Gewachs
2007 Schloss Reinhartshausen Erbacher Schlossberg Erstes Gewachs
Also will bring a 2007 Donnhoff Felsen Turmchen Spatlese (they changed the bottling’s name beginning in either '05, or '06) to drink alongside Leslie’s Felsenberg Spat.
Will crack the E.G.'s before I head up to give them some air.
See you all tonight - Looking forward to it! Thanks for the heads-up, Alan.
My first Berserker offline.
30 mins early and hitting the gate now. Well, not literally hitting the gate