Anybody else get the letter from Alban?

Been on the Alban list for three years buying my allocation every year and a few weeks ago I got a letter saying sorry but we don’t have enough wine to go around including not enough for you. Did anyone else ge this notice after being on the list? It struck me as odd that after three years you would think I would move up enough in the list to be pretty solid of always getting an offer. I am not complaining I am just wondering since they mail their allocation if I should maybe contact them to make sure they have my information correct?

For what year’s vintage? If 2015 some yields down so that might play a hand.

I am at about the same point as you and I didn’t get a letter, at least not yet.

I have to check but to date ive not seen an email

Whats weird is that they just had a release a few weeks ago of Grenache, did you buy off that release ? I didnt think the Reva was released until the fall so it seems early to be dropping people off that list. Plus the Reva release is 12 this year which i understand is a normal size release and of course next years is 13 which was big so why kick anyone off right now, maybe when 14 and 15 come around

They didn’t per se kick me off Alan they just said sorry not enough wine this time which I found peculiar. Maybe it was just for the grenache which might have lower yields. Unfortunately I don’t have the letter anymore. I will wait until next release time to see if I get anything.

I think the Reva is released in June and shipped in Fall. So June would be the next check point.

It does seem that Alban is a mysterious service model. They have their own way of doing things

I checked and my last letter was the Grenache offer

Alan, I received the same letter. You are correct - it was for the Grenache. I’m not concerned about the Syrah - like you said, likely plenty, and to the earlier post, it should release in early summer.

I did take the three i was offered, i know its not everyones thing but im excited
