Another Downfall mashup: Hitler fails to get Burgundy allocations

I giggled, I must confess.

“Parker made a special trip…saying the Cros Parantoux was the finest he ever tasted…awarding it 86 points”
Awesome. [cheers.gif]

Hilarious - watched it three times already.

+1. Recent news that my tiny allocation of 09 Roumier BM was not shipped, Les Cras arrived instead. Must call Maude…

Mike, the stuff of bad dreams. Two bottles is it foe me. Better than zero mind you


I really love all these Hitler parodies. Not quite as funny as the one Frenchie sent out over the summer, but funny nonetheless.

“Highlights of the Langeudoc”


I didn’t think I would find another of these funny after the one about cult CA cab, but this is also hilarious.

Best yet. The 86 points from Parker was perfect.

With all due respect, I lack the understanding what’s funny about that. One of the biggest monsters in history used for advertising and connected to rare wine ?

It’s a meme:


We’re all going to be watching these very funny sendoffs tonight, including the original.

I thought this was much better than the Napa Cab one.