Anniversary weekend....

They have a great list there Will :slight_smile:. Lots of fun stuff that they slowly trickle in on the listā€¦

Thx Paul! It will be great catching up with you and the others soon there in NYC :slight_smile:. Chave-a-palooooza here we come!

Congrats to you and your wife Jon! Bummer on the Rousseau Chambertin - would have been a phenomenal experience Iā€™m sure. Come to LA anytime! Be great to hang out again!

Itā€™s okay Fu, Favre has plenty :wink:

Congrats Jonathan to you and your wife!

Thx Juyuan!

I might make a quick trip to LA to terrorize you guys - will need to make sure youā€™re not in So.FL when I visit :slight_smile:.