And it begins... AKA Berserker Day Deliveries

Oh, I meant Bryan Flannery.

Randy’s cigar packs arrived today. Can’t wait to get down to warmer weather to smoke 'em!

Any idea when EMH is shipping?

Ok, so I decided to check up on my Berserker Day purchases today - and discovered that I had set up an account on the Patricia Green Cellars website, entered the wines in cellar tracker, and thanked Jim on the Patricia Green Berserker Day thread - but had failed to actually PURCHASE any of the wines on the offer. Apparently, I’m now hallucinating my wine purchasing!

A quick email to Margaret at Patricia Green Cellars - she honored my original order at the Berserker Day price - and will even ship it today. Now THAT’S customer service! [cheers.gif]

Good things come to those who wait…until it’s above freezing for more than a few hours per month.

I received my Keating GIII on Wednesday, and Arcadian Pinot Noir today. Not a bad start.

Warmer states first, then by geography as I look at the various weather patterns. You will receive a request for ok to ship, outlining how it will be done.

Got Windy Oaks and Lagier Meredith/Chester’s Anvil today, Foursight yesterday, and Greyscale and Longplay on Wednesday. Although parts of the country have been cold, everything looks to be in good condition.

I was looking at Atlanta weather today, and it looked a couple weeks colder than perhaps a couple of weeks out. Everything in time.

My best friend back north of Boston sent me a photo of the 8 inch snowstorm they had today.

Merrill, no rush on my end, I’m still trying to figure out where I’m going to put everything from BD.

Thank you. The details on the offer were “shipping in the March/April time frame”, but no one reads that. That’s ok. I had very pleasant conversations with folks today about shipping to the warmer states. Gives me a chance to connect, which I love.

I received my coffee…All is well in the world! [training.gif]

Marshall flirtysmile

The deliveries to Florida have started…

Just got my nebbiolo 4-pack from Castelli Vineyards today. Really excited to one in a couple weeks after they’ve calmed down from travel.

My case from Down to Earth Wines came last week. Always a quick shipper.