Am I a rotten son-in-law?

You may be a bad son-in-law, but that is unrelated to the potentially frozen Two Buck Chuck. [wink.gif]

Freezing wine is virtually harmless, especially at the quality level of the wine in question.

Please cite your source. neener

Didn’t Oscar Wilde say something about mothers and daughters. I think I would be worried about my wife.

It will be part of the Cigar Forum.

Don’t you stink up our Cigar Forum. [smileyvault-ban.gif]

Could make for a lovely pop and pour sangria.

Thank you all for your comments. A few answers to the curious,:

No alcohol problem. She makes the trip every few months. It takes about an hour and a half because the closest Joe’s doesn’t sell wine. She has been doing it for years.

I haven’t heard back from her yet. She still has a few bottles left from her last trip.

We have shared better Chardonnays, and she likes them, but also appreciates the value of Chuck. It was six cases, and came to $215.28. I agree I have paid more for one bottle.

To those who infer I am a lousy son-in-law for other unspecified reasons…

I hit send too early.

I was going to commend you on your insight.

Does she share her Chardonnay? A few = three? Six cases consumed over three months is 2/3 of a bottle of wine per day, every day. Nine+ out of ten MDs would label this excessive drinking, especially for a woman. So not an alcoholic perhaps, but there’s an issue at least. You’re a rotten son-in-law, I change my assessment.

Damn! The alcohol Nazi is in the house. Or, I hope you guys know each other and you’re just doin some “ball Bustin”!

Wow. Math derived from the definition of “few” as understood by you to mean exactly three means that you know the mother in law of someone on the internet is an alcoholic or at least has a problem? Impressive! I’m sure you know better than Kyle about his mother in law.

2/3 bottle is actually less than what Lafite Rothschild assumes people will be drinking when they have dinner guests. So, for all the jokes about her consumption or choice there of…she’s still drinking less than those that visit one of the most famous First Growths in Bordeaux. Plus…if I’m retired, I could easily see myself drinking a bottle of wine/night with my S.O. or other guests. When I’m retired…I hope to have people over for dinner every few nights, isn’t that what retirement is all about? A chance to relax, enjoy your time with others, and have massive feasts…on a weekly basis. [cheers.gif]

From Alfred Wongs?

$215 for 72 bottles is <$3.00 a bottle. One would think the glass bottle, handing, shipping,etc. would cost that much. Sheesh.

Indeed, it would be far worse to have a mother in law, or own mother, that did not drink, as was the case with me. Not to mention taking far too much good wine to a family dinner which my dear old father could not resist, resulting in him falling off his chair unconscious.

My answer is yes. Would treat your wine like that or would you have shlept your precious bottles to your own inner sanctum?

As I said, there isn’t an alcohol problem. We would notice it if there was. She doesn’t live alone.

I don’t monitor her daily drinking or shopping habits. I’m not that rotten.

By the way, it was my wife’s idea to leave it in the car.

Did the wine actually freeze? Given that there is likely some alcohol in that wine, it would lower the freezing point. I wouldn’t think overnight in a car with temps in the upper teens would freeze it. Sub-zero, another story…

The dreaded double post. newhere

Scott, is it possible that MIL is sharing her stash with…you know…friends?