Airtime for a 1992 Grange

What are your thoughts for how long to decant this puppy?

Interested to know as I have a bottle as well.

Slo-ox it. Open it early in the morning of the day you will drink it. Or maybe even the night before.

I would say start with p&p. See where it starts.
17 years on and it might be at that point already…

Surely you meant “Audoze it”. [beatoff.gif]


Your right in the middle of the RP drink range. I would open it 3-4 hours ahead and put it in a decanter. Watch it change, this is one of the pleasures of watching a great wine change in the glass.


It is drinking ok but isn’t life altering. When in doubt, open a few hours before, try 1 oz, if you like it recork and stick in refrigerator. If you don’t decant, try every hour until you like it, recork and stick in refrigerator.

The 1992 can be popped and poured. It isn’t closed. Will it benefit from air, most likely.

Now wait a minute… I was under the impression you had the one bottle of 1996 only. And thus were really agonizing over when to drink your “only bottle of grange”… I got suckered


I only had one bottle of '96 left of two and a single '92.

And IIIRC, you already promised to drink the 92 with me.

You sir, are correct.