Accepting delivery in the new CT beta

I’m trying really hard to use the new version of Cellartracker but am running into a snag today. I’m trying to accept delivery of some wine. I click on “Accept Delivery” check off the boxes next to the wine but can’t find anywhere to finalize this action

Here are screen shots of the top and bottom of the page. I don’t see anywhere to say “Delivered”. Do you [scratch.gif]

  1. Toss it into BULK EDIT mode as you have done.
  2. Check boxes next to purchases.
  3. On the BULK EDIT OPTIONS menu pick the choice to ACCEPT DELIVERY.
    On step 3, YES, this WILL get a top level button much as I have done for drinking and relocation in the individual bottle bulk edit mode.
    However once I add dozens of bulk actions you guys will understand why I have it structured this way.

How about if the dropdown button say BULK EDIT ACTIONS? Or PICK A BULK ACTION? Would that be more obvious?

[wow.gif] apparently, there’s some expensive pendings not shown on that screenshot!

The word “Bulk” is what threw me off. I clicked the “other” bulk link and it brought me to a new page separate from the delivery page so I never clicked on the “Options”.

Just a learning curve thingy. Thanks loads!

IMO, No, it wouldn’t be more obvious. The problem is many actions that used to have top-level buttons are now buried, so people have to go hunting for them. It’ll merely take some time for people to get used to their new locations ---- it’s like when I leave stuff sitting around the house so I don’t forget about it, and then my wife comes home and “puts everything away” – once she does that, I don’t exactly know where things are. Sure, I could look for them, and, in many cases, will find them – but, in many other instances, I won’t find what used to be in plain view, and will have to ask her where she put it. Until people get used to where you put everything, you’re going to be fielding a lot of these types of questions.

Nice catch. It was those 2 bottles of '07 Cabot Humboldt Syrah that I paid $2,000.00 each for. But that made up for the $4.00 Carlisle Rossi Ranch and the free RM Occidental Ridge. Thanks! newhere