Just returned from a weekend of Absolute Rieslingmania in Germany. Oh MAN is that Mainzer Weinbörse exhausting! I was hanging on the ropes on more than one occasion. How could I EVER believe I would have the slightest chance to even taste a fraction of the wines?? I must do some math to calculate how much time you would have at each estate if you were to embark on a quest for the Full Monthy: tasting them all.
Initial expressions is that Nahe and Mosel has hit the sweetspot. Don’t get me started on Rheinhessen. With Pfalz not so much my cup of tea. Had time to taste only a few from Baden, Wurtenburg and Franken. In fact, I even skipped most of what I consider the best producers, because I intend to visit them personally for a more serious assessment. However fun an even like this is, it’s just a quick snapshot and in no way a fair way to asses the wines properly. Or professionally, I would argue.
The more the merrier and you could do a lot of fun people watching. Hugh Johnson was there, as was Stuart Piggot and Jancis Robinson, Jean Fisch and David Rayer from Mosel Fine Wines, as well as Stefhan Rheinhardt, all looking to work quite hard in the serious task of indulging in the many delicious offerings displayed behind the counters.
Photos and impressions to come!