A Couple of Blind Bdx.

In a recent wine dinner (15 February 2016; 18 different wines served for 11 persons), the following two were served blind by our guests in from Tokyo. Within 3 minutes from receiving our pours, 8 of us were required to identify vintage and appellation of:

Served blind by Hiro-san (ITB in Japan) - Wet tea leaf laced, smooth, a bit thin, barely medium-bodied, bottle-aged sweetened red fruit. Clipped finish. Pretty much no middle or crescendo to speak of. Definitely alive and still attractive, nobody was able to guess it to be a 1974 Latour.

Again served blind by Hiro-san - Full-bodied, notably concentrated; notably young and well-ripened mocha & vanilla laced dark plum, cherries & raspberries. I guessed it to be from St-Emilion vintage 2003 or 2005, eventually settling on 2005 - so I was correct: 2005 Larcis Ducasse.

Wasn’t all that difficult; though, it is good we were not asked to guess the producer as well, as I am not at all familiar with this producer.
