A friend is having a BBQ and asked me what wines he should buy - getting about two cases of each. He wants a crowd pleasing white and red for about $10 a bottle. Any thoughts?
R~St. Cosme Little James Basket Press
W~Botromagno Gravina
Red: 06 L. Martini Sonoma Cab
White: 07/08 Kim Crawford SB
(both are around $12 but can be had for $10 on sale)
So far these wines are, but these wines have to be readily available.
I’d take your friend to Costco, buy everything that qualifies and open them up. Costco does a pretty good job, IMHO, and in the People’s Republic it’s hard to do better.
– Refugee from Somerville
Readily available:
R: Jaboulet Cotes du Rhone “Parallele 45”
W: Lindeman’s Chardonnay Bin 65
Any idea if the attendees are into wine or not? I was going to also suggest the Little James Basket Press, but then wondered if the old world style might be meant with disappointment if the wine drinkers are familiar only with newer world wines.
In other words, the Ch. St. Cosme LJBP is a dynamite QPR, but would its style be lost on the audience expecting K-J saying the get this St. Cosme stuff outta here?
Red: Cline Zinfandel
White: Chalone Chardonnay
ok, let me be more eloquent for Senor Ricca
So far, those bottles that have been suggested are readily available and this is a good thing b/c in my first post, I forgot to say that this was a condition. So, those who would like to recommend more wines, please make sure that they also will be readily available.
Better Ricca?
I’m sure I could find more but our Cuban friend listed a couple I would consider.
Tuong Lou Kim:
" Oh I get it! Just because I chinese you think I build wal! That’s bullshit! I not stereotype okay! Just because I chinese dosen’t mean that I go around buiIding wal! I normal person like all the rest of you! I ata rice and drive arealy slow just like all of you! I not Stereotype!
Ok Hairy, for the last time…I don’t look like this:
or this:
I’m Mexican!!! Get it correcto!!!
Readily available:
W: Lindeman’s Chardonnay Bin 65Karl
+1 on the Lindemans - Sam’s Club here has it for just south of $6. the wife and her girlfriends drink it like its water lol
R: Either the Jaboulet Cotes du Rhone “Parallele 45” that Karl recommended, or the Espirit Cote du Rhone by Delas.
W: Martin Codax Albarino
Red: a mispriced bottle of 1985 La Tache
White: Charles Shaw Sauvignon Blanc