Phil and I were at the Telluride Wine Festival…We did a Flannery lunch around 11:00 am and went through about 10 bottles? After a one hour break we went to a rooftop party and went through and 20-30 bottles…around 1am we went to a bar and did shots Jägermeister.
January en route/in Vegas, I don’t think I’ve ever drank more between 7am-6pm and that includes some college football tailgates that started at 8am! First Class is an enabler…
After the recent dinner with the DC crew at my house with 15 people and over 40 bottles I think…I woke up the next day with a hammer for a head. Holy hell…had to wake up early the next day after going to sleep around 3am too. Obviously that didn’t help matters.
I haven’t had a hangover since I retired (in 2000). I sleep in until I feel alright. I do remember some Memorial Day parties, Monday Night Football, Champagne & Caviar and other activities when I was working and got up at 5-5:30am, no matter what time I went to bed. Some days I was pretty hungover.
No hangover in 2009. I think the last time I had a hangover was in January 2002, the day after my 10th wedding anniversary dinner party. Too much champagne, wine and cognac. I rarely drink so much as to get drunk. I don’t like getting drunk - used to when I was a student though.
Zach’s January VT trip to Mt. Snow. After arriving at 5pm and killing tons of bottles, we thought it was a good idea to drink till almost 4am. The last bottle was a 94 Caymus SS at 3:30 in the morning. Lets just say I hung around with the toilet a bit the next day.
A “friend” of mine had a worst-ever-hangover-so-much-that-she-had-to-call-in-to-work-the-next-day sickness. No food. Lots of tequila shots with our farmers daughter and oyster farmer. Commencing at 2pm. Ending at 2am. Fought with the Valet attendant. Threw water bottles at the bartenders. The only thing “she” was throwing up violently was some weird stomach fluid. Considered taking “her” to the hospital. “She” was better once she was able to down some pedialyte at 1pm the day after.
This was just a few weeks ago. She thinks she survived.