5,000 bottles consumed. Now What?

For decades it has been my ambition to taste every wine ever made.
I know, I know…

Let’s just say every wine made and bottled for sale in a given year.
At an absolute minimum that’s one million different wines.
I’ll work 360 days a year. That 2777 a day.
I prefer not to work more than 14 hours a day.
That’s 200 per hour.
Sorry, no can do. :smiling_face_with_tear:


The way I see it, 5,000 bottles consumed, sharp as a tack, plenty of spirit, relatively healthy (not sure about that last one but I’m on a roll) is one marker of a life well played.


5001! What else ?

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As Groucho Marx is rumored to have once stated under somewhat different circumstances: “I enjoy my cigar, but I take it out of my mouth every once in a while” [just a joke everyone]

That would be Groucho Marx and he denies ever saying it.

Thanks Brig. I stand corrected and have corrected my error. And whether he said it or not, it’s still funny in the context in which it was spoken.

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One of the benefits of being hopelessly lazy about proper inventory management means that you can live assured that your real number is larger but nobody else needs to know that. I’ve been working through an inventory update and every time I process a batch through CT, I have a day where I “drink” hundreds of bottles (well mark missing or presumed drunk). Those eventually get counted. The ones that never got into inventory before getting consumed escape. Inventory at my cellar is something like the painting of the Golden Gate Bridge…never finished.



He kind if looks like you. Quit putting up pseudo-videos of yourself and get your ass to one of our dinners.

Name checks out


I plan to live forever. So far, so good.

Right at 2000 over 20 years - so about 2 bottles a week. Not too bad…But as others have noted there are more that never make inventory and just get bought and drank.

I couldn’t attend the recent ones because we had family guests basically the whole month of December, bro! Now we’re in Chile, the four of us, returning late tonight so I can go full on BerserkerDay…so January is probably out for me as well! Consider it ‘Dry’ December/January - dry from The Toddfather - it’s probably really good for your health, so maybe it will catch on

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Oh heck … I’m at 6,688 in CT, and I haven’t really been good about marking my consumed wines for the past year. Yikes! What’s next? On to 10,000!!!

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You guys are a bunch of lushes.


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Yeah, but for you that was just last year! <kidding!>

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I’m thinking of posting a “how many times did you consume meat” thread in the epicurean forum. It will put this one to shame and reassure @Frank_Murray_III that all is well :wink::laughing:

The irony of your post: I’ve had no red meat in almost 45 years :smile:

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