Andy bought the 90 at Rare Wine Co and didn’t want to take it back to LA so we cracked it last night at home after the Gialina pizza extravaganza. And well, because I have a few of the 2001 in 375 and 750 I figured what the heck, let’s crack one of those to compare.
FWIW, I don’t drink many sweet wines but I do love the flavor profile of Suduiraut. Perhaps my favorite Sauternes.
1990 Château Suduiraut (France, Bordeaux, Sauternais, Sauternes)
This is a wine reconditioned and recorked in 2005. Capsule is a little different too. The wine itself is better than a 90 I bought from Wine Exchange in 750 a few years ago. That wine was darker, more advanced and generally less interesting. This wine was pretty good but definitely not up to the level of the 2001. Nice smokiness, creme brulee, apricots, and a little earthy note. The finish lingers a bit showing some burnt sugar and honey. Actually pretty nice. I have seen notes from undrinkable to mid 90’s points. I would peg this bottle somewhere around 89 pts.
2001 Château Suduiraut (France, Bordeaux, Sauternais, Sauternes)
This is extremely nice. Brighter than the 90, more layered, with oranges, marmalade, honey, white flowers, with a little chalky minerality and a hint of smoke. Long spicy finish…94-96/100. From a case I bought for $17 per on futures.
This was fun to pit the two against each other. I’ll just add I like the 2001 a tad better only because of it’s better acidity. But the 2001 is still to young and a bit sweet for me right now. more aging and it will be great. I enjoyed the 1990 and my only complaint was the finish was a bit short. I am curious as to why it was reconditioned. The labal/capsule didn’t mention it, and RWC’s list didn’t mention that fact either only that it was “ex chateau”, I only found out when I pulled the cork and it was branded with reconditioned 2005.
Nice note, agree with your assessment of the 2001 Suduiraut. Had some friends over last night and drank;
'01 Yquem
'01 Climens
'01 Suduiraut
'01 Rieussec
'01 La Tour Blanche
'01 Guiraud
The Suduiraut garnered three first place votes (out of 5 tasters, four voters). Yquem received one first place vote. The Climens was flawed. I thought the Suduiraut was the Yquem and the Yquem was the Climens. The Suduiraut was powerful but well balanced. The Yquem was well balanced but seemed to be lighter than the Suduiraut. Rieussec had a faintly bitter finish, someone said “walnuts”.