2024 Kinsman Eades Offerings

Out of curiosity- would everyone that wishlisted all 3 prefer to get 1 of the 3 granted therefore getting 1 3 pack of 1 of the wines and not getting any of the other 2 OR getting 1 bottle each of the 3 cabs.

I wished for 2 different 3-packs in hope that I at least get 1. I would certainly prefer 1 3- pack versus induvial bottles

I would prefer a “mixed” three pack.


I wish listed 2 (Rhad and Kaannos) 3-packs hoping to get 1 or both, but due to already massive incoming shipments (currently, looking at around 75+ bottles this fall), I’d prefer 1 bottle of each.

I’d prefer a mixed three pack. I’m also torn between just wishing for all three knowing they I likely will only get 1 of the 3 or wishing for 1 or 2 and hoping that somehow that “focus” is helpful. But honestly not sure it matters.

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A mixed 3pk would have been awesome.


Wished for a Kaannos, already have the others as futures. Keeping my fingers crossed.


do we know when the offering closed?

Just found email. It was 7 days so should be closed now

Earlier this morning options were still available (in account), however now cleared out. Happened in last hour +/-. Now just waiting for contact/results?

Was corresponding with Shae earlier today about a tasting and she indicated it would be 1-3 weeks to determine allocation and future standing orders



WL granted

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One 3-pack of ‘Käännös’ granted - took it.


Did they reach out to you via email or just populate your account with the order?

email, then you have the option to add to your cart and complete the purchase.


Thanks!! Fingers crossed that the email is still on the way


That is awesome way to do it. I may have gone a touch overboard and if all granted good to have option to reduce if I get it all

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So every time (for how long?) my email shows a message the excitement will rise…until I don’t…when the disappointment will be large.

Don’t forget to hit refresh on your inbox, and check spam every 45 seconds. And return to this thread to see if anyone else posted about getting an allocation. Kind of like I’m doing…