2022 Kinsman Eades release (8/2022, 2019 vintage)

This was my first offering from Kinsman Eades and I decided to place an order. I really like Maggie’s Lillian Syrah, and look forward to comparing the different bottles in 2020.

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I was in, placed my order almost as soon as it went live. Yes, it was a little on the expensive side, but hoping it gets me a little higher on the cab list.

My wife loves Syrah and Chenin so this is almost more for her than me (although I like them too). I wouldn’t buy every year, but considering things will be lighter this year as a general rule, will be fun to try out.


One of the bummers about teaching is missing “free-for-all” offerings (no guaranteed allocations) because I am in class.
Oh well, I retire in June so maybe next time.

I had a wish granted for another 3-pack. You’re welcome to it. Just shoot me a PM.

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Finally got mine last week in CO! 9 bottles resting easy now.

Just received my 2019 Anjea fresh off the weather hold! I’m in MN so assuming I’m about the last to take delivery.

These are supposed to be ready to drink immediately, right?!:rofl:


Looks to be VHR Block 4, at least for the 2021 release.

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Only one way to find out!


Soooo pumped about that! I’m a huge VHR fan!


Nice honest email from Shae about the 2021 vintage pre sale. I understand, gotta pay the bills! Taking a full allocation all at once is expensive but it’s a no brainer. Excited to try the VHR sourced wine in a couple years.

Agreed! Although i was a little confused by any action items needed. The email read as though we needed to do something to continue with the standing order (now futures) but when i looked at my account it looked like i was already signed up/good to go. Any thoughts on that? I emailed Shae and Nigel but havent heard back yet.


It looks like it’s added to your club membership and you can remove them if you want. On the fence for the Anjea this time around only because I have plenty, and for me, these are in the top of the special occasion wine group.


I was a little confused too. I went too deep on 22 Bdx EP so I’d prefer to order in the spring at the increased price. I was unsure if I keep the same allocation if I wait.

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My read is yes.


Chardonnay and pinot?

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Did Kinsman Eades send an email? I didn’t get one.
I bought in the last release in the second wave.

They did, but i believe it might have been for peeps with standing orders/have been purchasing for a bit. Id assume that you’ll still get the opportunity to purchase the same wines that you did last release :cheers:


The action item was to email them if you didn’t see the new cab in your allocation and you wanted it, or if you wanted large formats or more of an allocation

When I log in I can see my allocation and the prices so I know what I’m getting.


Are you a club member? They don’t list much info on what the club offers. Any insights?


Standing/auto billed orders, so you don’t have to log in and purchase during the short window before the wine sells out.