I was reviewing my Cellar Tracker purchases for 2011. I noticed that 85% of my purchases were direct from the winery. There was a time that I was an impulse buyer. Those days are gone. As my wine education has increased, my purchases are more educated.
What percentage of your 2011 buy is from the various wineries? My percentage is 85%.
What percentage of your 2011 buy is from your favorite (local) retailer. My percentage is 10%.
Interesting question and fun CT exercise.
I’m 81% direct. The balance is almost equally split between local stores, online discounters and you pocket-pickers in WB Commerce Corner.
I am right around 90% winery direct, and this year bought a total of 250 btls. Those few store-boughts were spread between several stores.
I did a poll on this about two weeks ago:
SInce I almost exclusively drink California wine, my percentage is high - the poll showed those who drink imports will be much less.
Zero percent from wineries, same as last year and the year before that. Unknown percentage from local retailers but I’d say ~10%.