Same as previous years. 3 pack for $2,250.
Bummer…no $250 Sauv Blanc!
Hilarious! I’m on the fence on this one.
I got the offer for the first time today. Does anyone know if production has significantly increased, or am I just lucky? I honestly don’t even remember signing up for this one.
I got the offer too, I think they increased production, seems like a lot of new additions to the list.
Weren’t they in the process of adding a new vineyard? When does that come online?
I am new as well. I suspect a lot of people dropped off for the 06 and 08 vintages based on the price escalation and lack of 100 point score.
It still seems like one of the few wines out there with enough delta between the release price and the auction/retail price to be worth flipping. You won’t get rich doing it on a 3-bottle allocation, but you might be able to sell two and keep the one bottle for yourself for free or something, if you want to be bothered with the effort.
I also made the list. On the fence for sure on this one. Seems like a lot of new people on the list.
count me as a first time offer-ee too …
Why are there so few references to Screagle here? I can’t remember a reference in ages. From the price, it seems it has not fallen out of favor!
Anyone know how long the allocation is good for?
You can order up until Mar. 30th,but it is first come first served til sold out.
ROFLOL. The only thing that will be screaming will be the buyers wallet I swear, SE must adhere to the P.T. Barnum school of business
The CT scores average 94 -95 when the review count is >10. I also wonder how much the score is inflated due to the price.
CT is a what it is and one takes it for what it is worth. I believe that WA (AG) gave it a 98+, but I stopped subscribing.
Does anyone know if this offer goes out in waves? I didn’t receive one, but was previously told likely to receive allocation this time around.
How many cases were produced in 2009 versus other years? Thanks!
I’d be in for an ounce…maybe even 1.3 ounces. 'spose I should check Consumer Corner.
An instant winner of the Grossly Overpriced Trophy.
So no one knows the production levels?