2008 Red Burgundy

I tried these cellar door and like the purity of fruit and racy acidity.
I think these will improve.
Am I right ?

2008 Hudellot Noellat suchots barnyardy astringent but after an hour it was a quite lovely wine
2008 Vogue Amoureses and Bonnes mares - a mere unevolved babe - needs at least 10 more years
2008 Liger Belair reignots pinetarsal oak too young

I am hoping they arent ready yet - but they are in a wierd place.

Opinions welcomed.

Check this thread out, just posted last week. Lots of discussion on 08.

cheers I am just going to wait on my 2008s

I think these will improve.

YES - sure !!! [highfive.gif]

I am hoping they arent ready yet - but they are in a wierd place.

Far from that!
If you mean “weird”: yes, the best sign that maturity is far ahead …

(what has been the oldest Burgundy you´ve ever had?) [scratch.gif]

My guesses would be:
HN from 2020 …
LB from 2024 …
Vogüe BM from 2028 … Amoureuses maybe 2024+

(these are early dates … you easily can add 10-15 years each for drinkability)

Like others I would advise keeping your hands off them for 10 years or more depending on maker and vineyard.


I know what you mean by in a weird place. I think a lot of these might have a prolonged, gangly adolescence.

The last two I fired open though were great. 2008 Bouchard Clos de Chenes has just never seemed to shut down. I’ve had a bunch of these. It’s always been great, but I just had one last week that was absolutely singing and had stepped up.

Also, the Dujac Chambolle. Beautiful, true to place. I’m referring to the Pere and Fils label too and not even the Domaine wine. Just dainty and lacy with a lovely top note of cinnamon wafting from the glass.

Definitely hold them if you can for more time in the cellar as they will continue to improve. Several of the 2008s remain relatively accessible and have drank well for me. They can be a good call on a restaurant wine list that doesn’t contain any mature Burgundy.

interesting feedback

some reviewer in the UK suggest drink early which I just dont think they are ready
Burgundy friends whom are wise reckon wait and be patient

I am a waiter …

At the top levels I think the wines have enough stuffing to emerge from their weird place. I’m a buyer at the right price.

I worry that some lesser wines may never shed enough of their acid to be truly enjoyable. But they were lovely red-fruited, crunchy wines in their youth. Hope I’m wrong to worry about their future.