Tasted these wines last night @ Porta Via in Beverly Hills. Very impressive wines, particularly the Paleo 2007 and 2008, Scrio 2008, and Messorio 2005 and 2008.
As a rule of thumb, 2008 seemed to be the most well put together and the ones I would buy.
2009 Paleo Bianco (High toned, floral, nice) 90pts.
2009 Bolgheri Rosso (Not tasting well for me) 86pts.
2005 Paleo Rosso (Nice forward-drinking wine.) 91pts
2007 Paleo Rosso (More concentration. A bit on the ripe side compared to 2008) 93 pts.
2008 Paleo Rosso (Classic wine, with ripe, cool cabernet franc flavors. YUM.) 95 pts.
2005 Scrio (Straight-forward & easy) 90 pts.
2007 Scrio (Ripe, jammy, open. Liqoreux. Different from '08, but initially a toss-up) 92 pts.
2008 Scrio (Nice pepper & bramble. Fresh. More focus & depth, preferred in end.) 94 pts.
2005 Messorio (Great florality. Great for now.) 92 pts.
2007 Messorio (A step up in class) 95 pts.
2008 Messorio (Best overall, will age well) 97 pts.
In talking with the winery rep, Gianluca, he said that they were travelling to SF next. I didn’t follow up on the details, but perhaps interested parties could contact Domaine Select for further info.
It was a great tasting for not a lot of money. We’re long-time fans of Paleo & the Rosso, but are new converts to Scrio & Messorio.