1961 Borgogne Barolo Riserva (Library Release)

1961 Borgogne Barolo Riserva (Library Release) - A friend brought this along to dinner and of course we are happy to drink it! Lovely bouquet, deep and sweet, complex and spicy, stewed plums, glycerol, chinese tea and notes of the forest. This is quite short and acidic on the palate, which I points to not optimum storage, but many on the table disagreed. N/A

I have a bottle of this and have drank one already - fortunately mine was pristine and it took just a few seconds to “get old Barolo” - it was perfect: earth, dried roses, truffles, seemless.

I actual had two library releases, one the 1961 Borgogne Barolo Riserva and one the 1961 Borgogne Barolo Riserva “with some extra words at the end” -
The one with the “extra words” was spicier, more complex, but also more acidic and in need of food (and we had a perfect beef stew). Can’t find my notes, but certainly bottles that blew me away

I had two 1961 Borgogne Barolo Riserva’s last April both from the same source (neither was re-corked at the winery). One was outstanding with dinner the other was closer to Cognac than wine. Interestingly the good bottle had a crumbly cork that virtually disintegrated the Cognac bottle’s cork was in good shape.

I have two red capsule 61 Borgogno ready to go when the time is right. 64 & 67 from the same source have been glorious.

I just received a pristine (appearance anyway) bottle of this yesterday via UPS, and I shipped it off to the east coast for a dinner in March.

How long was it decanted? Old Barolo from an excellent vintage such as '61 needs a couple of hours to unwind.

Absolutely true. At least open to air a few hours.

literally just got an offer from Gilt Taste for the 61,85,97, and 99


I have had the 1961 from Italy and here in the US. the one in the US was tiring but interesting; the one in Italy was much fresher.

Provenance and library vs original bottling is everything with this wine.

Just don’t buy the 71…that one stinks.

Just don’t buy the 71…that one stinks.

Is that a joke? That’s a terrible price.

Seriously. That was my first reaction, so I immediately went on W-S and you can get the '61 alone for $200.

My in great shape Library release bottles were from The Rare Wine Co and I beleive under $200 a bottle. One I remember was $150ish

61 is also a great vintage for Old Men - or at least I keep telling my wine drinking female friends that!